Cubmaster: The Arrow of Light is important. It's the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. But, more important than the badge itself is what you have learned, the work you have done to help others and the fun you have had earning it.
(Hand the card to which an Arrow of Light is taped, to the parent.)
Cubmaster: Please, place the Arrow of Light on your son's uniform.
(After all parents are done...)
Cubmaster: The parents may now be seated.
Asst. CM: (name) , can you tell me a memorable event or activity you participated in as a Cub Scout, or do you have some advice for the younger scouts?
(After each boy replies, tie his rope to the rope of the boy before him. The first boy will tie his rope to the last boy's rope to make a circle. The Arrow of Light Webelos should be standing on the outside of it.)
Cubmaster: This circle represents the circle of brotherhood which is Scouting. Will the first year Webelos please come to join us now?
Cubmaster: First year Webelos, please stand on the inside of the circle holding onto the rope.
Cubmaster: Congratulations! Second year Webelos, you have now completed your journey in our Pack. As you continue on your journey toward Boy Scouting, strive to serve as the shining example that your Arrow of Light represents. You may now return to your dens.
Cubmaster: First year Webelos, when the second year Webelos cross over to Boy Scouts, you will then be the oldest boys in our Pack ... the youth leaders of our Pack. May you serve our Pack well in that rank. Good luck to you!