InsaneScouter - Leaving Cub Scouting Forever - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Leaving Cub Scouting Forever

EQUIPMENT: Signs with each insignia on it (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light). A bridge to walk over.

PEOPLE: Cubmaster, 3 or 4 assistants, Boy Scout Troop Leader.

CUBMASTER: Most awards here are fun, goofy, or crazy. Not this one, this is a time to be serious. This is a very important day for these Scouts. They are leaving Cub Scouting forever. Starting on a new trail (to Boy Scouts).

Receiving the highest award in Cub Scouting, The Arrow of Light. Before you see the Cub Scouting trail. (The signs of each rank)

FIRST DL: Bobcat - The Bobcat is asked to follow the Cub Scout trail and follow the Law of the Pack. You have helped the pack go and we hope it has helped you grow. (Have boys stand in front of Bobcat sign.)

SECOND DL: Wolf - As a wolf, you had to learn new skills and start to find your way in advancements. You were required to fulfill 49 Wolf activities - to receive your Wolf badge. (Have boys stand in front of Wolf sign).

THIRD DL: Bear - As a Bear, you had to learn new and more challenging skills which required more work on your part, as well as help from your parents and Den Leader. To achieve your Bear badge, you had to achieve 12 Bear activities. (Have boys stand in front of Bear sign).

FORTH DL: Webelos - As a Webelos, you had to earn three activity pins and fulfill 15 requirements which were all leading you to the Arrow of Light which is the hardest of all Cub Scouting ranks to achieve. (Have boys stand in front of Webelos Sign.)

CUBMASTER: To earn your Arrow of Light. You had to show your knowledge of Scouting.

FIRST DL: You had to participate in Boy Scout camping.

SECOND DL: Earn an additional 5 activity pins - which is a big challenge in itself. Some of you have gone far beyond this, earning several more activity pins.

THIRD DL: Learned new skills and acquired new knowledge you can use for the rest of your life.

CUBMASTER: Before you, you see the Arrow of Light This has a special meaning. Did you notice the Indian sign for the sun over the arrow? That is why it’s called the Arrow of Light. Notice the seven rays of the sun - one for each day of the week. They will remind you to do your best every day as you follow the arrow that leads you to Boy Scouting.

CUBMASTER: This is a joyous time - and a sad time. I am happy that you are advancing but sad that you are leaving.

I have watched you grow from Bobcats to becoming Boy Scouts. I hope you carry a part of us with you as you grow.

You are always welcome at our Pack Meetings.

FIRST DL: The Arrow leads you to your final Cub Scout trail - The Bridge to Scouting.

SECOND DL: Parents of these fine young men. Please come up. As parents, you have helped your Scouts through all the ranks of Scouting. You must now join them in crossing the bridge to Boy Scouts.

CUBMASTER: (Present the Arrow of Light to the parents, parents presents award to boys.) Send boys and parents over the bridge.

TROOP LEADER: I would like to welcome you into Boy Scouting. (He could say a little about Boy Scouts.)

CUBMASTER: Congratulations on earning your Arrow of Light and good luck on your Boy Scout Adventure.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders