Invite Scoutmaster or other leaders of troops your Webelos are joining. Have a rustic bridge or archway to Scouting. Ask Scoutmasters to stand at the far end of the bridge or archway. Cub Master and Webelos den leaders stand on the near side.
CUBMASTER: Boys, for the last time I'm addressing you as Webelos Scouts. You've come to the end of Cub Scouting and are about to start up the Boy Scout trail. I'm sure you'll have even more fun than you did as Cubs and Webelos Scouts. Now I'll ask you to repeat with me for the last time the Cub Scout Promise. Then I'll ask you to salute and shake hands with your Webelos den leader and cross the bridge (or go through the archway) into Boy Scouting.
Lead Promise.
Boys shake hands with Webelos den leaders and cross bridge. If you give the boys a graduation gift this is the place to give it.
Scoutmaster welcomes the boys into the troop, when they all cross then lead the boys in the Scout Oath.