Graduation Into Boy Scouts


Tonight we honor ______ Webelos, who will be crossing a very important bridge along the scouting trail. This is a bridge of decision and fulfillment, and we the adult leaders can only hope that crossing this bridge leads to the fulfillment of all those hopes and dreams a boy has about the meaning of boy scouting and the boy scout trail. 

A single red-lighted candle will represent the spirit of scouting. Three white candles will be lighted, one at a time, each representing one of the three main parts of the Boy Scout Oath "duty to God and country, duty to other people and duty to yourself." The lighting of these candles will brighten the path across the bridge, however, it will not be quite bright enough to guide them all the way. To complete the lighting of the trail across the bridge, the 12 points of the scout law will guide them to the other side. The scout law will be represented by the lighting of 12 additional candles, one for each part of the law.

(Light the tall single candle and have the house lights dimmed)

Will the following Webelos and their parents please come forward: ___________

(Have one and/or two of the Webelos den chiefs act as ushers to guide the candidates & their parents to their places for the ceremony)

Graduating Webelos, Scout sign and repeat after me:

I, (give your name) on my honor/will do my best to do my duty/ to god and my country

(pause, have scout light 1st. Candle of the scout oath)

And to obey the scout law/ to help other people at all times

(pause, have scout light 2nd. Candle of the scout oath)

To keep myself physically strong/mentally awake and morally straight. (pause, have scout light 3rd Candle of the scout oath).

Boy scout candidates as I will now read to you the 12 points of the boy scout law. When you first heard these words, as a Webelos, you listened to them, for they and their meaning were new to you. I ask you now to listen once more, as a Webelos to these words and their meanings think about them and how they will guide you. Let these 12 points of the boy scout law be your guide in boy scouts, just as the arrow of light was your guide in Webelos.

The scout law: A Scout is:

1. Trustworthy 9. Thrifty

2. Loyal 10. Brave

3. Helpful 11. Clean

4. Friendly 12. Reverent

5. Courteous

6. Kind

7. Obedient

8. Cheerful



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders