Assistant Cub Master:
In fourth and fifth grade, Cub Scouts are brought into the tribe of Webelos. Webelos stands for `we'll be loyal scouts'. In the tribe of Webelos, boys prepare themselves for Boy Scouting. Webelos work on 20 different activity badges from five skill groups: physical, mental, outdoors, community, and technical skills. After three months in the Webelos Den, earning three activity pins and learning about Boy Scout ways, they have completed all the requirements for the Webelos badge.
Cub Master:
There are Cub Scouts among us tonight who have earned their Webelos Badge. Would the following boys please come forward with your parents to be recognized and honored by the Pack.
List of boys.
You have completed all the requirements for your Webelos badge, have moved along the Cub Scout trail and have earned a place in the Webelos Tribe. Receive now the mark of the Webelos Tribe, a BLUE mark, symbolizing vigilance, perseverance and justice.
[Mark each boy with BLUE face paint.]
Assistant Cub Master:
[Present Webelos badges to parents as Cub Master paints faces] It is our pleasure to award your Webelos badge to your parents, who have been your Akela in completing these requirements. Parents, please pin the Webelos badge to your son's left shirt pocket and congratulate him on a `Job Well Done'. Parents, as your son's Akela, you are entitled to proudly wear the parent's Webelos pin enclosed with your son's Webelos badge.
Cub Master:
It is my pleasure to congratulate each one of you on earning your Webelos badge. Boys please step over to the Advancement Ladder and move your clothes pin to the Webelos level. Parents and Scouts please return to your seats.
Compass Badge Presentation
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader
EQUIPMENT: Compass badge and compass point.
CUBMASTER: Tonight we have boys receiving Webelos recognition. (number) earning the compass and (number) earning the compass point. To earn the compass, a Webelos Scout has to earn his Webelos badge and four additional activity badges -- a total of seven activity badges. Once the compass has been earned, besides working on the Arrow of Light; the boy can work on earning compass points. He can earn one gold compass point for each four activity badges. To fill his compass a boy needs to earn nineteen of the available 20 activity badges. Would Mr./Mrs._______, the Webelos leader please come forward and present the awards.
WEBELOS LEADER: The compass badge is not an award that is sewn onto a boy's uniform. It is attached to his right pocket button under the flap. The points are given to the boy to put in any position he chooses. Tonight (names) have earned their compass and (names) have earned their compass point. Will they please come forward. This shows that the boys are working hard toward the end of their Cub Scout trail. Congratulations boys!!!!