Equipment: "Eagle" Feather, Arrow of Light Light box, Drum, Akela Costume.
Webelos Leader: Tonight we have our Arrow of Light presentation. The Arrow of Light is the highest award a Cub Scout can achieve and is the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. Will the Arrow of Light candidate(s) and their parents please come forward? (Read Names) To help with this presentation we would like to call on the great chief Akela, chief of all the Webelos. But before I can call the great chief we must have complete silence. Let's give this great man the respect he deserves. (Beat drum when silence is obtained to bring in chief.)
Akela: Why have I been summoned?
WL: Chief Akela, (Read names) is (are) ready to receive the Arrow of Light award. Do we have your approval to present this award?
Akela: Does he (Do they) have Scout spirit?
WL: Yes.
Akela: (to Scouts) Raise your right hand in the Cub Scout sign and repeat the Cub Scout Promise for all of those present tonight. (Scouts do.) Do you plan on living up to the promises in the Cub Scout Promise? (Scouts answer) You have battled the Bobcat, trapped the wise Wolf, and wrestled the great Bear. You have passed the trials of strength to join the mighty Webelos tribe. You have climbed the great mountain and reached into the sky to grasp the Arrow of Light. This is one of the Feathers you will wear in your war bonnet as you continue to climb higher until you are worthy to soar with the Eagle. (Present feather with award attached to the parents.) Parents pin this award on their son. It is an honor to have you as a member(s) of the Webelos tribe. Be proud of your accomplishments.
WL: Please remain silent while the chief leaves us. (Drum beats softly while chief exits.)