Props: "Campfire", bridge, troop scarfs, numbers, Boy Scout hat, Patrol Patch(es), neckerchief, hat, shoulder tabs, Spotlight
Cast: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader(s), Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Parents, Webelos, Patrol Leaders/Boy Scouts.
Scene: Boy Scouts are gathered around a "campfire" at the end of the bridge. Cubmaster, Webelos Leader and Webelos approach bridge (opposite from the Boy Scouts)
Cubmaster: Greetings, to our brothers from Troop ___!
ScoutMaster: Greetings Akela, it has been a while since our last meeting. Is everything going well in your lodge?
Cubmaster: Yes, thank you. I have Webelos worthy to join your Troop. Their Leader will assist them in their journey.
Webelos Leader: Greetings to our brother Scouts.
Scoutmaster: How many worthy braves will join our council fire tonight?
Webelos Leader: We have __ worthy and true boys to cross over to your council fire tonight.
Cubmaster: As each crosses the bridge to your council fire,I will tell of his achievements. We will miss them and their families as they move along the trail to Eagle.
Scoutmaster: We are ready, Akela, send them over. (On Cub side of bridge, the Webelos Leader assisted by Parents remove the scarf, [and blue tabs if wearing the khaki shirt], hat, and other Cub patches [removed and lightly tacked on prior to ceremony]. The boy moves to the middle of the bridge [in a spot light if available] while the Cubmaster recants the boy's history in Cub Scouting. After the Cubmaster ends, the family and boy cross over the bridge where they are greeted by the Scoutmaster)
Scoutmster: Welcome to Troop ______ we are glad to hear of your hard work in Pack ____. This is the Senior Patrol Leader, who will assist you on your quest for Eagle. He will welcome you into our council fire.
Senior Patrol Leader: I too welcome you to Troop ___ we hope that you and your family will enjoy your stay and will help the Troop. I present you with (Red Tabs, and/or Troop neckerchief, or, patrol patch, or Scout hat, or Boy Scout Handbook, or Troop neckerchief slide, etc depending on local and Troop customs) (During the presentation, the nex Cub is preped)
Scoutmaster: Who is the next Scout Akela? (The ceremony continues until each boy and familiy crosses over, after last boy)
CubMaster: That is the last boy for this year. I have enjoyed seeing you again and hope that your council fire will burn brightly and warmly.
Scoutmaster: Thank You Akela, the young men and their families will be a valuable part of our Troop. Until the next time our council fires meet, Good health to you and your tribe.