InsaneScouter - Webelos Den Induction Ceremony - Ceremonies Webelos

Webelos Den Induction Ceremony

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader, Den Leader, parents, boys.

EQUIPMENT: Webelos neckerchiefs and books (optional), Webelos slides.

CUBMASTER: Will the following boys come forward with their parents and den leader? (Reads names of boys moving into Webelos dens)

These boys are now eligible to advance into the Webelos den. Do you boys know what the word Webelos means?

BOYS: We'll Be Loyal Scouts

WEBELOS LEADER: Webelos is a very important part of Cub Scouting. It is your time for adventure in the out-of-doors. It is your chance to go out with other boys and your dads on overnight campouts, and to fix your own meals. It is your chance for adventure in developing skills by working on different activity badge areas. This is a step towards Scouting where adventure is always near at hand.

CUBMASTER: We know that your den leader and parents are very proud of you and what you have accomplished over the last two years. We want to thank them for all that they have done for you to help you earn your badges and arrow points. It is through Cub Scouting, parents, that you have an opportunity to form a closer relationship with your son. Will you continue to help you son earn his Webelos activity badges, just as you did his achievements and electives?

PARENTS: We will.

CUBMASTER: Mother, will you please remove your son's Cub Scout neckerchief and, Dad, replace it with this Webelos neckerchief. This signifies the help that you, his parents, and (Name of Webelos Leader) will give your son by working together in the Webelos den. (Name of leader) will you please place the Webelos slide on (name of boy). (Also present books at this time if doing so.)

Now, I'll ask that all Cub Scouts repeat with me the meaning of the word Webelos.

ALL: We'll Be Loyal Scouts. 


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders