The New Webelos Den Induction

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Asst. Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, boys to be inducted into Webelos den, and parents

MATERIALS: Webelos cap, neckerchief, colors, and Webelos Scout Book for each boy. (Can be

purchased by parents and brought to pack meeting) Also Webelos den flag.

CUBMASTER: Tonight we have some boys who have reached the fourth grade and are forming a new Webelos den. (Call forward boys and their parents)

ASST. CUBMASTER: the purpose of the Webelos den is to prepare you for the adventures of Boy Scouting. Webelos Scouts earn the Webelos badge, the fourth badge of rank, which will complete the square on your pocket. You will also have an opportunity to work on 15 different activity badges - all the way from swimming to science. And finally, you will be able to earn the Arrow of Light Award, the highest award in Cub Scouting, before you graduate from the pack. (Call forward Webelos den leader) This den will be known as Webelos den(#). (Name) will serve as Webelos den leader. (Also introduce assistant den leader at this time) We would like to present you with the Webelos den flag, (Present flag to Webelos den leader) which will help identify your den as a very important part of pack (#).

Webelos den (#) will meet (where) on (when). You will take part in all regular pack activities, and in addition, you Webelos Scouts will be going on overnight campouts with your dads and will visit Boy Scout Troops and take part in some of their activities.

CUBMASTER: (To parents) You have a responsibility in the Webelos den. Some of your dads will be called upon to help teach activity badges or help with other den activities. All of your dads will be expected to attend the overnight campouts with your sons. All parents will continue to help their sons on advancement, but you will not approve requirements, as you did in the Cub Scout den. It is the responsibility of the Webelos den leader to pass the boys on their Webelos requirements.

(To boys) We are proud that you have come this far on the Cub Scout trail. We would like for your parents to present you with your Webelos cap and colors. (They do) And now we'll ask your Webelos den leader to remove your Cub Scout (Bear) neckerchief and replace it with your new Webelos Scout neckerchief. (He does)

Finally, we want to present you with your Webelos Scout handbook. Parents, please read the section written especially for you, so you will be able to help your sons do their best in the Webelos den.

(To pack) May I introduce the members of Webelos den (#)? (Lead applause) Congratulations to all of you.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders