EQUIPMENT: Parent's Pin, Webelos Badge, a Green Candle, a Red Candle, and a Yellow Candle.
CUBMASTER: Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward? (Read names) Tonight you are
to receive the Webelos rank. This rank is the next to last step in Cub Scouting. It requires that a boy begin to learn
skills of the adult world. You have begun to learn about Boy Scouting and have agreed to live by its Promise and Law.
Your parents have continued support you in this effort. As a token of their help, please pin this Parent's pin on them.
(Boy does)
The rank of Webelos entities you to wear the Webelos Colors. These three ribbons are green, red and yellow. To
symbolize your achievement in earning this award, we have three candies here tonight. (Choose three parents to stand
behind the candles and light them as each color is explained.)
Green indicates knowledge of the Scout Oath and Law and signifies the learning of manhood.
Red signifies the achievement of three Activity Pins.
Yellow indicates you have been an active Cub Scout for at least three months in your Webelos Den, and have
performed many good turns, helping your Den, Pack and family.
Now parents, you may pin the Webelos Badge on your son's uniform. Congratulations new Webelos Scouts. Thank
you parents for helping to your son. Please continue to help him as he completes the last step of his Cub Scout Trail.
Pack _______ welcome these new Webelos with a Grand Howl.