Lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants and bears can be a part of acts for Under the
Big Top. These animals masks are made with brown grocery sacks as the base.
Eyes, ears, etc., from colored construction paper are glued on.
To prepare the bags, slit up about 4” at the four corners of the bag’s open end.
Slip bag on the boy’s head. The clipped portions will fit down his back, on his
shoulders and onto his chest. Cut off the front flap but leave the other three. Mark
positions for the eye holes and nose. Cut out the eyes, leave the nose uncut.
To assemble the elephant, glue ears in position on side of bag. Draw face
features. Glue trunk and tusks in place.
For the lion, glue mane to the front. Glue ears at top corners, center topknot
between them, leaving jagged edge free to curl away from face.
For the monkey, glue ears to side of bag, staple top edges of bag to shape head.
Add face features.
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean