Keep these little guys in your pocket. Every time you feel them it will remind you to Do a Good
Turn Daily and to Do Your Best!
Smooth rocks, any shape
Acrylic Paints
Paint Brushes
Sponge Brushes
Sharpie Pens
Water Base Clear Varnish
Paper Towels to wipe brushes, paper plates to use as
palette, and a cup of water to rinse brushes
Step 1: Paint entire rock one solid color. Allow first side to dry before turning over and painting
opposite side.
Step 2: Paint rock using designs, faces, animals or whatever.
Step 3: Using Sharpie pen, print the Cub Scout Motto, Do a Good Turn Daily - something to help
Cubs remember the values of Scouting.
Step 4: Using sponge brush, cover entire rock with clear varnish, letting each side dry before
turning over and paining other side.
GSLC Pow Wow 2008