InsaneScouter - Theme Crafts/02-06 - Crafts

Theme Crafts/02-06


You Need: a small, flat type box with a lid
sheets of 8½” X 11” paper • crayons or
markers • tape • 2 pencils
Cut the paper into
quarters. Make a
picture on each paper to
tell a part of a story.
Tape the papers
together top to bottom
with a blank half piece
taped to the beginning and end of the story
sheets. Poke holes through the sides of the
box, and insert pencils for rollers. Attach
the ends of the story “roll” to each pencil,
and wind the story on the pencil rollers until
it shows the first panel of the story. Cut a
hole in the lid that will frame
the pictures, then replace the
lid. Enjoy showing your story
to your family and friends.


You Need: a small notebook (not spiral)
with pages you can “see-through” • pencil •
black felt tip pen •
Starting on the bottom page, draw a stick
figure. When it is drawn the way you like,
go over it with the felt tip pen. Put the next
page down. Draw the same figure with
a minor change in position. Repeat the
process on each new page. After you get
about 20 pages, flip the pages starting at the
bottom and watch your figure move! Add
more pages if desired. Try other ideas, such
as making a ball bounce or having your
stick figure blow-up bubble gum.



You Need: wooden spoons (flatter type
work best) • felt • googley eyes • tacky glue

Trace your spoon on a piece of paper.
Draw a basic shape shirt, pants, shoes,
and hair pattern that will work with your
particular spoon. Copy the pattern, then
give one to each boy. Have each one pin
and cut the item of clothing out of felt.
Glue onto the spoon using Tacky Glue.
Make a mouth, also, and glue the mouth and
eyes in place. Each puppet can be made to
look like the boy making it, with different
hair colors, etc.



You Need: an old bed sheet (check thrift
stores) • crayons •
Take the sheet and lightly “outline” the
type of scene you need for your play. The
cubs can use crayons to color in the details.
If you remove the wrapper from the crayon
and use the crayon on its side, large areas
can be colored faster. To keep the crayons
more permanent and
to enhance the color,
you can put brown
paper sacks on and
under the crayoned
area and iron. This
scenery could be
pinned to stage curtains, taped to a wall,
held up by parents, etc.

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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