Foam Ball
1 square foot of foam carpet padding
Permanent markers
1 nylon zip tie
To make your ball more colorful, draw some squiggly lines on the coated side of the foam and
let it dry. Use scissors to cut the foam into 24 strips, each a foot long by a ½ inch wide, then cut
each strip in half to make forty-eight 6-inch strips. Stack all the strips together and hold them
tightly while another person wraps a nylon zip tie around the center of the stack. Use the pliers to
pull the tie tight, and then snip off the excess. If the ball is not spherical, use the scissors to trim
it to your liking.
Tennis Ball Buddy 
Tennis ball any color
Screw eye hook
2 pipe cleaners
Craft foam any color
Fake fur
2 wiggle eyes
Permanent marker
Tacky glue or hot glue gun
Use a pushpin to make 4 starter holes in a tennis ball for the limbs, then twist in a screw eye and
remove it to enlarge each hole. Make another hole in the top of the ball but leave in the screw
eye for the hanger. Cut 2 pipe cleaners in half and push the ends into the holes for the arms and
legs. Cut hands and feet from the craft foam, poke the ends of the pipe cleaners through the
shapes and twist the pipe cleaners back on themselves to secure. Decorate with tacky glue or hot
glue, wiggle eyes, fake fur, and permanent marker. Tie a string to the screw eye and hang where
you want.
Great Salt Lake Council