Materials Needed:
1 washcloth,
rubber band or pipe cleaner,
wiggle eyes,
2 small pompoms (1 for the nose and 1 for the tail),
foam strip for the whiskers,
Fold the washcloth in half diagonally. The new shape should be a triangle. Roll the triangle
from the point to the large side, so you have a long roll. Fold in half and in half again, the second
time being slightly off-center. There should be a loop at each end. Rubber band, or wrap the pipe
cleaner around the washcloth about 1” from the end. The ends of the
washcloth will become the ears. The rubber band can be covered with
a ribbon if desired. Twist the body so the opening is up and the face is
rounded. Spread the ends to look like ears. Glue on wiggle eyes and a
pompom for the tail. Cut the foam strip into thin whiskers and glue them on.
Add the other pompom for the nose over the whiskers. Inside the body a
decorated egg or something similar could be placed.
GSLC Pow Wow 2008