The ABCs Of A Good Den Leader
ATTITUDE - Accent the positive. Attitudes determine effectiveness.BOYS - Remember that the program is for them. "If it's not for the boys, it's for the birds."COMMUNICATION - Help keep the lines open.DIPLOMACY - Be a diplomat, not a dictatorEFFORT - You'll get out as much as you put in.FLEXIBILITY - ...
A Den Leaders Home Can Be
A Den Leader's home can be the brightest and most attractive place in the heart of a Cub, simply because of the real warm feeling that his friends get inside. All a Den Leader needs to do is open up their heart and home and let the boys come in.A ...
Advancement! Does your pack receive its due return from the time and money expended on the program? Advancements are your return - your measurement of your overall success. If every pack analyzed its program with this in mind, there would probably be quite a few disappointments. Advancement in most packs ...
Advancement is one of the methods we use to achieve Scouting's aims of character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Everything a Cub Scout does to advance is designed to achieve these aims and aid in his personal growth. Advancement is a process by which a boy progresses from badge ...
Annual Pack Program Planning Conference
What is it: An annual meeting of all pack leaders designed to establish the year’s program based on twelve-monthly themes and Webelos activity badges, along with special activities, all tailored to the pack’s needs. Why is it held? A program planned twelve months in advance allows leaders to look ahead. Advance ...
There is no limit Their parents or guardians The Webelos Den Leader, with the help of the assistant den leader, Webelos den chief, and the parents. The family should get another parent or adult family member, neighbor, or friend to take the boy. Parents can be asked to furnish it or borrow it from ...
Beatitudes For Leaders
BLESSED is the leader who has not sought the high place, but who had been drafted into service because of his ability and willingness to serve.BLESSED is the leader who knows where he is going, why he is going, and how to get there.BLESSED is the leader who knows no ...
Being Positive
You can give someone positive encouragement and positive feelings about themselves by using positive statements when talking to them. Try them on someone! I like you! I'm glad you're here today! I'm glad you're in my den! I thought of you during the week. I think you're neat! Nice job! I knew you could do it! Super! I'm proud ...
Boy Behavior Revisions in Progress
How can you take 5-10 boys, between 1st and 4th grades, for one hour a week, teach them something, have them create something, express themselves, enjoy themselves, and still maintain your own sanity? That's a question den leaders have often asked themselves. This section hopes to offer some suggestions to ...
Ceremonies should be an important part of Cub Scouting. Everyone likes to get attention and recognition. Having a den or pack ceremony helps to recognize the boy or boys in a positive way. Ceremonies provide meaningful and memorable highlights in a boy's Cub Scouting experience. They are important for the ...
Child Abuse Prevention
Child abuse is a fact in our society and a matter of great concern for most parents throughout our country. The Boy Scouts of America shares in this concern.One of the best strategies for child abuse prevention is for parents to have ongoing communication with their children. Often this is ...
Cub Scout Motto
Do Your Best is the Cub Scout motto. It is one of the most important things for the Cub Scout to learn. Often he becomes so interested in winning that he fails to see the importance of doing the best he can at everything. One boys best might be quite ...
Cub Scout Transfers
When a Cub Scout moves away, the pack should do what they can to help him continue in Cub Scouting in his new location. He should be furnished with a copy of the Transfer Application, No. 28-401, showing his Scouting record to date. This will enable him to continue his ...
Cubmobile Derby
Planning for a Cubmobile Derby should begin several months before the race date. The cars for each derby are built the same. The only difference is you do not use the starting ramp. The power comes from the Cub Scouts.Each den builds its own Cubmobile, with dads or other adults ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Den Code Of Conduct
At your first den meeting sit down with the boys and discuss what a den meeting will be like and what you hope to accomplish. Introduce the cubs to the Cub Scout sign. Let them know that you have no intention of wasting your time screaming and hollering at them ...
Den Leader Survival Guide
You can be a den leader and enjoy it. You've taken care of your own son for seven or eight years and you're still fairly normal, so adding seven or eight more boys to the roost isn't all that hard.The first rule is to clothe yourself in optimism, grin a ...
Discounts and Donations
There are many stores in the Valley that give Scouters a 10-15% discount. They don't advertise the fact; so you have to ask them. Next time you shop for your den or pack, ask if the particular store gives any discount. Don't forget the copy shops. You may be asked ...
Elements Of A Good Meeting
Have you ever had the horrible experience of discovering the refrigerator empty after inviting a house full of guests for the evening? Or have you ever been out where the big ones are jumping and found you’ve forgotten your bait? Frustrating, wasn’t it? If you should ever find yourself in ...
Ethics In Action
Ethics in Action is an activities program for Cub Scouts designed to reinforce the character-building goals that have always been part of the Scout program. These activities encourage Cub Scouts and their leaders to "think a little deeper" about values and about some of the decisions and consequences of decisions ...
Financing the Pack Who Pays for Scouting
Scouting benefits the boy and his family, the chartered organization, and the whole community. Scouting contributes to the general welfare of all people. Money for the Scouting movement comes from four general sources: The boy and his family pay for the uniform, insignia, annual membership fee to the national organization, subscription ...
Fishing Derbies
There are two kinds of Cub Scout pack fishing derbies: both are fun for boys and parents. One kind is a partner-and-son fishing trip to a nearby lake or river where adults and boys can fish off the bank or in boats. Small prizes are awarded for the biggest fish, ...
General Camp Gadgets
General Gadgets - Flag Poles Flag Break should be a daily routine of (any?) camp and as such you may find yourself having to construct your own flag pole. There are many different types you can attempt from the simple everyday 'upright' to the more difficult but much better looking 'Skylon' ...

General Stuff
1. ***Always*** have more prepared than you need. Make a lesson plan for your meeting, then add one or two items, just in case. This is much like having a Plan B, but a plan B may not be sufficient if the boys finish everything you had planned and there's ...
Guidelines For A Leader
Always plan the meeting in advance. Write down your plan and share it with your assistant and Den Chief. Keep the boys occupied at all times; not just with busy work, but with activities that fulfill the Purposes of Cub Scouting. Be sharing with your criticism; generous with praise. Be fair and consistent ...
Has your Den earned the National Den Award
Cub Scouting happens in the den. The National Den Award creates an incentive for a year-round, fun, quality program in the den. The National Den Award may be earned only once in any twelve-month period (charter year, calendar year, etc.) which is determined by the pack committee.Requirements:A. Have at least ...
Hey There CubmasterLook At You
You want to be a good Cubmaster, right? If you didn't, you would not be reading this.So as a good Cubmaster YOU WILL.......Learn to lean - You won't try to run the whole show. You will consider all suggestions and offers to help.Recruit Den Leader for a least one year ...
How Leaders Can Help Den Chiefs
A den chief needs to know what is expected if he is going to give the kind of leadership that really helps adult leaders. In some packs, an assistant Cubmaster is given the responsibility of working with den chiefs and making sure they attend Den Chief Conference Training.When a den ...
How The Cub Scout Program Started
Back in England, Boy Scout troops were being bombarded by younger boys who were eager to become Boy Scouts. In 1914, Baden-Powell began experimenting with a program for younger boys, based on Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. In this story, you will meet a little East Indian boy named Mowgli. While ...
In Good Company
Learning Disabilities -- How To Survive And ProsperA learning disabled child is a child who has at least an average IQ but has difficulty learning in school. Current statistics indicate that 6-10% of children in the U.S. have some type of learning disability. That means if you have 50 children ...
Jackknife Safety
A jackknife is an important tool for camping. It is a safe tool when handled carefully. Follow these tips."Circle of Safety"Each person handling a knife should maintain a "circle of safety" around themselves in which no other person may enter. To determine the "circle of safety", the person extends their ...
Why is it important to learn to tie knots? There are a few people in each generation that just get a kick out of seeing how many of the approximately 4,000 different knots they can learn to tie. For most people knots keep your shoes from falling off, tie up ...
Leader Training
"An Effective Leader is a TRAINED Leader. A Trained Leader is an EFFECTIVE Leader. The BEST Leaders of the Pack are INFORMED Leaders". How does a Leader become EFFECTIVE, INFORMED, and THE BEST? The answer is THE TRAINING CONTINUUMThere are four levels of training for Leaders. 1. Fast Start Training ...
Learning Disabilities How To Survive And Prosper
A learning disabled child is a child who has at least an average IQ but has difficulty learning in school. Current statistics indicate that 6-10% of children in the U.S. have some type of learning disability. That means if you have 50 children in your pack, you potentially have 5 ...
OTHER PLANET FLAG CEREMONY Cubmaster is in astronaut gear, den chiefs/den leaders dressed as aliens. The Cubmaster is trying to put the flag on this new planet. The aliens are curious about what he is doing and ask him lots of questions. What is ...

Pack Administration
Five Keys to Successful Pack Administration Organization Training Planning Recruitment CommunicationPack Organization For detailed job descriptions for each member of the Pack, see Cub Scout Leader Book, Chapter 4.The Chartered Organization is your sponsor. They should provide meeting facilities and support. They approve all leaders.The Chartered Organization Representative is a member of the Chartered Organization ...
Pack Communication
Most packs have a lot of people involved - a lot of people who need to know what is going on, where, and when. Some information needs only to go to parents, other information goes to den leaders, members of the committee, the boys, or the district.Lines of communication need ...
Pack Derbies
Derbies are some of the most popular and successful special events in Cub Scouting. Like all really successful activities, they require planning and preparation, but their value is fun, strengthening the family relationship,s and promoting Cub Scouting purposes in a way that has been proven over the years. Many packs ...
Pack Leaders
CubmasterThe Cubmaster need not be an expert in all Cub Scouting activities but should be a leader who is able to deal with adults as well as boys. He or she should be able to delegate responsibilities; set a good example by behavior, attitude, and uniform; and belief in the ...
Parent Involvement
Getting parents involved is an essential part but not an easy part of your job as a Webelos leader. However, some parents like to camp, some are good at woodworking, some are familiar with nature, or maybe they are engineers or geologists. All of these are important activities within the ...
Pinewood Derby01
The Pinewood Derby is probably the most universally popular and successful family project in Cub Scouting. Like all success stories, the Pinewood Derby requires planning and work by the pack committee and other parents but its value in a fun and close family relationships has been proven over many years. ...
Qualities Of A Good Leader
A boss drives people - a leader coaches them. A boss depends on authority - a leader depends on good will. A boss inspires fear - a leader inspires enthusiasm. A boss says "I" - a leader says "we". A boss fixes blame - a leader fixes the breakdown. A boss knows how it's done ...
Questions Webelos Scouts Should Ask Each Troop
Question Ideal Answer Do I know anyone in the Troop? (Possibly) Have I been invited to visit this Troop? (Maybe - does not matter) Are any ...
Raingutter Regatta
If you have a number of model-boat enthusiasts in your pack then you will want to plan a Raingutter Regatta. Several classes of boats can be raced as long as they are not too big for your Raingutter course. The Wolf Cub Scout Book has plans for simple boats that ...
Recruiting Leaders
The first responsibility of the pack committee is to recruit the best person available for Cubmaster and provide this person with one or more assistants. In the case of an existing pack where there is a functioning Cubmaster, the committee will simply want to create and maintain a close working ...
Where can leaders obtain the materials that are needed for den and pack activities? Who can help provide these materials? How do leaders use what has been obtained? Resources are everywhere! The creative use of resources can strengthen the Cub Scout Program in the den and pack.The Boy Scouts of ...
Safety Awareness
Leaders are responsible for safety while the boys are in their care. Safety rules should be enforced at all times during den/pack meetings and activities. 1. Teach the boys the rules of safety around the home, fire safety, and water safety, using the Cub Scout achievements and electives.2. Meeting places ...
Safety Rules for Outdoor Activities
Always have a first-aid kit handy. If possible, have an adult trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attend pack functions. Remember that adequate leadership and supervision help prevent accidents. Encourage the boys to use the buddy system and pair up so that they are aware of each other's whereabouts at ...
Sample Committee Meeting Agenda
Opening: Greeting and introduction of new members or guests - Chairman Minutes: Reports from the previous meeting - Secretary Planning:(Next pack meeting - Cubmaster or Chairman) Pre-opening activity Opening Game Song Skit Advancement Announcements Closing Other activities: All Den Activities/Reports: Den Leaders Future Planning: Chairman Financial Report: Treasure Assignment of Responsibilities: Chairman or Cubmaster ...
Sample Den Rules
1. Obey the rules2. Bring dues weekly3. Bring your Cub Scout book to every meeting4. Be quiet when the sign is up5. Bring supplies when asked6. Respect other’s property and feelings7. Follow leaders and den chief’s instructions8. Don’t interrupt when someone else is talking9. Wipe off your feet before entering ...
School Night for Cub Scouting
School Night is a concerted effort, usually led by the council membership committee in May, September, or October each year in the school systems (private, parochial, and public). One evening is designated for all parents to gather at the school to learn about and hopefully join Cub Scouting. Information is ...
Scouting Is For ALL Boys
Advancement Policies and Procedures for Youth Members with DisabilitiesThe following information is taken from the Advancement Policies and Procedures Committee Guide (Boy Scouts of America, 1996 printing of 1994 Edition, No. 33088, pages 20-21). This section provides guidelines for membership and advancement in Scouting for persons having disabilities."The Americans with ...
Scouting is Outing
The outdoor program runs like a thread through the Scouting program: Cub Scouts are introduced to the outdoors through den and pack activities and Wolf and Bear requirements. They learn proper methods and safety procedures for hikes, cookouts, and conservation projects. They enjoy family camping, day camping, and council-conducted resident camping ...
Scouting Language
Achievement - The name given to a major requirement in the Cub Scout program. There are 12 achievements for the Wolf rank and 24 achievements for the Bear rank.Activity Badge - One of 20 specialized recognitions earned by Webelos Scouts.Advancement - The process by which a member meets certain requirements ...
Space Derby01
Cub Scouts will find the Space Derby exciting. They blast off with models of miniature "rockets" propeller-driven and powered by three rubber bands that travel along a heavy monofilament fishing line. Join in the fun as the countdown begins for the space race of the century.RACE SUGGESTIONS:1. To stage the ...
Space Derby02
Human beings are always working toward goals, either consciously or subconsciously. The skillful use of this built-in capability is one of the characteristics of an effective leader.A person who has not set a specific goal will frequently tend to move toward whatever is uppermost in his mind, even though it ...
Stress Test
Relatives that have been dead for years come to visit you and suggest that you should get some rest. You can achieve a "Runner's High" by sitting up. You say the same sentence over and over, not realizing that you have said it before. The sun is too loud. Trees begin chasing you. You can ...
In Cub Scouting, none of us can successfully carry out our responsibilities alone. Teamwork in Cub Scouting means planning, leading, and evaluating the program with the help of others. This means that we not only need to understand our individual responsibilities, but we also must know how to work with ...
Ten Commandments Of Good Listening
STOP TALKING - You cannot listen while you are talking. Polonius said: "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice." PUT THE SPEAKER AT EASE - Help him feel that he ...
Ten Steps for Effective Leadership
Learn from your mistakes. Exercise self-control. Always be considerate. Do the best you can. Encourage others often. Respect the rights of others. Shoulder your responsibility. Have a good attitude. Infect others with enthusiasm. Practice perseverance. ...
The Charter Organization
The Charter Organization Representative, as a liaison between the pack and chartered organization, helps to bring the two groups together and establish and maintain a good relationship. Maintaining the relationship is the responsibility of members of the organization as well as all pack leaders.The chartered organization helps the pack by ...
The Den Chief
What is a Den Chief? The den chief is an older Boy Scout selected by the Scoutmaster in cooperation with the Cubmaster. He may be of any age or rank, but he can be the greatest help if he is a former Cub Scout and if he is mature enough ...
The District Council Region National
The DistrictA district is made up of several packs and troops. The purpose of your district is to work with chartered organizations to organize and support successful units. Part of this support is by the training of adult leaders and providing commissioner service. The supervision of a district is carried ...
The Good Den Leader
Serves a full-year term. Has a friendly attitude...The den is like one happy family. Has consideration for the individual...A cub is never embarrassed in front of his friends. Has patience...Is satisfied to wait until the new boy adjusts. Has wide interests...Brings talents to the Cubs. Is fair...Treats all Cubs in a like manner. Has a good ...
The History Of Scouting
In 1910, newspapers featured Model T Fords chugging along rutted roads at 8 miles an hour; Detroit's center fielder, Ty Cobb, batting .385; and Tom Swift hitting the book market with a bang. Buried deep in one newspaper, it was reported: "William D. Boyce, a Chicago publisher, incorporated the Boy ...
The Lone Scout
In many councils, there are boys who, because they live in isolated rural areas or because of severe handicaps, cannot take part in the regular Cub Scout program. These boys can be Lone Cub Scouts.Lone Cub Scouts work with a parent, a neighbor, a friend, or another adult who is ...
The Pack Meeting
There are several elements of a successful pack meeting. The most important thing to remember is that the pack meeting is for the BOYS. Cub Scouting is THEIR program... not the adults.Elements of a good pack meeting include: Planning Timing Participation Fellowship Recognition Spirit FUN, FUN, FUNThe meetings should be planned with goals in mind. Themes, current ...
The Scout Uniform 2
The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. There are many reasons for this. One reason stands out above all the rest.We wear the uniform because it is a means of identifying ourselves openly with the principles to which we are committed - character development, citizenship training, ...
Theme Midway Advice on Games
On a cold winter den meeting night, you might try some of these ideas to keep the boys warm and dry. At, you can print out a variety of word search puzzles, dot-to-dots, and mazes. Information on how to play board games can be found at www.boardgamescentral. com. Old ...
Tips For The New Cubmaster
The best (and funniest) advice I ever received on being a Cubmaster was: "You're nine. Think like it. Act like it." While a great method, and a valuable planning tool, this doesn't give much insight on how to run your monthly Pack meeting! To that end, I've written up some ...
One of the first questions that new leaders ask is: "What am I supposed to do?" But an equally important question in the mind of new leaders is "How do I do it?" This is where training comes in. Training shows new leaders how to do their jobs and allows ...
Training for Unit Committee
Many of us as a child, learned the string game " The Cat's Cradle" Here two people with a string knotting the two ends to form a circle passing it back and forth in a variety of forms between their hands. Expanding: You need at least 42 feet of rope, ends tied ...
Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first-year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start a new Webelos den into the active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some ...
Understanding Boys
To a boy, Scouting is a game, a magnificent game, full of play and full of laughter, keeping him busy, keeping him happy. A boy becomes a Cub Scout for the sheer fun there is in it. The action in Scouting appeals to the boy's impulse to do something.The basic ...
Webelos Advancement
The Webelos Scout advancement plan has three parts. The Webelos badge, the 20 activity badges, and the Arrow of Light.As soon as a boy joins the Webelos den he begins working immediately on the Webelos activity badges and the requirements for the Webelos rank. After he has earned the Webelos ...
Webelos Outdoor Leader Quiz
How many Webelos parent-son overnight campouts are permitted in a year? Who is responsible for the Webelos Scouts on the overnight? Who is responsible for the planning, organizing, and leading the overnight? What do you do if all your parents can't go? How do you get tentage and equipment? Who cooks the meals? What kind of ...
Webelos Outdoor QuizAnswers
There is no limit Their parents or guardians The Webelos Den Leader, with the help of the assistant den leader, Webelos den chief, and the parents. The family should get another parent or adult family member, neighbor, or friend to take the boy. Parents can be asked to furnish it or borrow it from ...
What Is Leadership
In Cub Scouting, leadership is working with boys and their families, improving the life of your community by enriching the lives of families who live in it. You will be helping boys respect their homes and families, and you will be helping families understand their boys by doing things with ...
What the Advancement Program does For the Boy
A boy's experience with achievements, electives and activity badges will do more than help build his self-reliance. It will also help him discover that he is now old enough to assume certain responsibilities toward other people. This is necessary as a foundation for good citizenship.The advancement program gives a boy ...
Whos Who In The District The Key Three
District ExecutiveThe District Executive is your best Scouting friend and counselor and is a full-time professional in the district. He or she is employed by the council and works under the direction of the council Scout executive. The District Executive is a trained professional who advises, coaches, and helps prepare ...
You And Scouting
Scouting is an association of boys, young men and women, and of volunteer leaders like yourself. The purpose of Scouting is to help boys grow, by involvement in many experiences, to be responsible, resourceful members of their communities, their country, and the world. As a leader, you help them to ...
You and the Boys
Your responsibilities to boys are to: Respect their rights as individuals and treat them as such. See that they find in Cub Scouting the stimulation, fun, and adventure they expected when they joined. Develop among them a feeling of togetherness and of team spirit that gives them security and pride. "Do Your Best" as ...
You Ask What IS Roundtable
Cub Scout leader roundtables are held monthly on a district basis. Den and pack leaders join for fun and fellowship while learning new tricks, stunts, games crafts, ceremonies, songs, and skits related to the theme and Webelos activity badges for the following month. There are also opportunities for sharing ideas ...
Young Athletes Bill Of Rights
Cub Scout athletes are all protected by a bill of rights. This has been prepared by physical education experts and should be an integral part of your pack program.The ten points of this Bill of Rights are listed below:Each Cub has: The right to participate in sports. The right to participate at ...