InsaneScouter - Leader Training - Leaders Leader Tips

Leader Training

"An Effective Leader is a TRAINED Leader. A Trained Leader is an EFFECTIVE Leader.
The BEST Leaders of the Pack are INFORMED Leaders".
How does a Leader become EFFECTIVE, INFORMED, and THE BEST?

There are four levels of training for Leaders.

1. Fast Start Training
Fast Start is a short, video-based training program designed to provide specific meeting planning information related to the leader's position.

2. Basic Training
Building on the foundation of Fast Start Training, Basic Training takes the next step in preparing new Leaders with the information they need to help them deliver a quality fun-filled program.

3. Supplemental Training
Continuing your education is a vital step in staying informed. Supplemental Training offers a variety of training courses designed to give Leaders additional information on specific areas of Cub Scouting.
(A.) Unit Leader Enhancements
Conducted by a member of the Pack Leadership Team as part of the monthly Pack Leader's meeting, enhancements are short training discussions intended to help leaders be better prepared to deliver a quality Cub Scout program.
(B.) Roundtable
Conducted monthly on a district level, Roundtable enables Leaders to have fun and fellowship while learning new skills related to the theme and Webelos activity badges for the following month.
(C.) Quarterly Leadership Updates
Conducted approximately every three months by the District Training Team, these updates offer in-depth information on topics for all Leaders. Talk to your District Training Chairman for more details.
(D.) Pow Wow/University of Scouting
Conducted annually on the Council level, a Pow Wow or the University of Scouting is the ultimate learning experience! There is something for everyone.
(E.)Webelos Leader Overnight
Designed specifically for Webelos Den Leaders and their Assistants, this training teaches outdoor skills through demonstration and hands-on practice.
(F.) Den Leader Coach Seminar
Specialized training for those seeking the position of Den Leader Coach or Webelos Den Leader Coach, this seminar gives in-depth practical experience in teamwork, selection and recruiting new leaders, etc.
(G.) Den Chief Training
Specialized training for the Boy Scout selected to become a Den Chief and the Den Leader. Den Chief Training is full of fun, excitement, and information to help these Scouts to a good job.
(H.) Philmont Training Center Conferences
Held each summer at the Philmont Scout Ranch near Cimarron, New Mexico, these conferences offer a variety of training sessions for both Leaders and Trainers who must be recommended by their local Council. Conference attendance is by invitation only. Talk to your District Executive for more information.

The Training Continuum

The Boy Scouts of America's training plan not only provides training for new leaders to help them get started in the right direction, but it also provides continuing training for all leaders. In this way, leaders continue to learn through experience and from additional training opportunities. They stay up to date on the Cub Scout program and acquire new skills that help them do a better job with the boys.

1. Fast Start Training

2. Basic training

3. Supplemental training

4. Advanced training

The total training plan is all-inclusive and is designed to deliver the training that leaders need when they need it. Not all leaders will be directly involved in all aspects of the plan, but they should be aware of the opportunities available to them in this continuum of training.

This excerpt is from the Cub Leader Handbook (1997) available at your Scout Shop.

The following definition comes from the Cub Scout Leader Book 1997. "Blue and gold are the Cub Scout colors. They have special meaning, which the boys and leaders should understand, and will help them see beyond the fun of Cub Scouting to its ultimate goals."


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders