InsaneScouter - Financing the Pack - Who Pays for Scouting? - Leaders Leader Tips

Financing the Pack - Who Pays for Scouting?

Scouting benefits the boy and his family, the chartered organization, and the whole community. Scouting contributes to the general welfare of all people. Money for the Scouting movement comes from four general sources:

  1. The boy and his family pay for the uniform, insignia, annual membership fee to the national organization, subscription to Boy's Life magazine (which is part of the pack budget plan), the boy's handbook, and weekly dues to cover ongoing expenses. Some packs furnish the handbooks as part of the pack budget plan. Families also help Scouting by contributing to the United Way and participating in the council's annual Friends of Scouting campaign.
  2. The chartered organization selects pack leadership and provides an adequate pack meeting place, maintenance, and utilities. The organization may also be asked to help establish the pack's reserve fund.
  3. The pack maintains itself through its budget plan and money-earning projects. The boy's weekly dues are the primary source of funds for the pack budget.
  4. The community. People in the community provide money that enables local councils to service and guide chartered organizations and their units. In most communities, operating income to help support Scouting comes through local United Ways. In addition, many parents and friends of Scouting make an extra financial contribution to the Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign. Funds are also made available by special bequests and other contributions.

Note: The national registration fee is paid by each boy and leader each year. This money is used by the national organization and is not used by the pack or council for operating.

More information on Financing the Pack can be found in the Den and Pack Management section of the Cub Scout Leader Book, available at your Scout Shop.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders