Safety Rules for Outdoor Activities

  1. Always have a first-aid kit handy. If possible, have an adult trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attend pack functions.
  2. Remember that adequate leadership and supervision help prevent accidents.
  3. Encourage the boys to use the buddy system and pair up so that they are aware of each other's whereabouts at all times.
  4. Have a plan for personal or natural emergencies (such as lightning storms, high winds, or flash floods) that could occur during an outdoor activity. Know where emergency care can be obtained quickly.
  5. Check out the location in advance for hazards.
  6. Avoid such dangers as buildings in disrepair or under construction, fire hazards, stinging insects, poisonous plants, tools improperly used, and sports or games that are inappropriate for the age and size of the boys. Accidents can be prevented.
  7. Select a well-identified gathering place in the event the group is separated.
  8. An adult should always supervise when Cub Scouts are building fires and cooking. If the den is using a ground fire, clear a space ten feet in diameter of all burnable materials. Stay away from trees with low-hanging branches. The use of chemical or liquid fuel stoves must be limited to adults.
  9. Make sure that all vehicles have started before leaving a trailhead or parking area.
  10. (Note: from Alan R. Houser) We had two successive incidents where the last vehicle to be started didn't start (and this was in the days before cell phones were commonly available). For the first one, I kept getting calls from parents who wondered where their sons were after a short hike. The Den Leader, whose car failed to start after she sent all the others on their way, had to hike a couple more miles to find a phone for road service.
  11. The next time, I looked at the last car before I pulled out of the parking lot and thought, I'd better wait and see if he can start. He couldn't, and I was there with jumper cables, so we got everybody home on time.

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders