Ten Commandments Of Good Listening

  1. STOP TALKING - You cannot listen while you are talking. Polonius said: "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice."
  2. PUT THE SPEAKER AT EASE - Help him feel that he is free to talk.
  3. SHOW HIM THAT YOU WANT TO LISTEN - Look and act interested. Don't ignore him while he talks. Listen to understand...rather than to reply.
  4. REMOVE DISTRACTIONS - Don't doodle, tap your foot or shuffle papers.
  5. EMPATHIZE WITH HIM - Try to put yourself in his shoes so you can see his point of view.
  6. BE PATIENT - Allow plenty of time. Don't interrupt him. Don't start for the door or walk away.
  7. HOLD YOUR TEMPER - An angry man gets the wrong meaning from words. "He who angers you, conquers you."
  8. GO EASY ON ARGUMENT AND CRITICISM - This puts him on the defensive. He may 'clam up' or get angry. Don't argue. If you win...you lose.
  9. ASK QUESTIONS - This encourages him and shows that your are listening. It helps develop points further.
  10. STOP TALKING - This is the first and last commandment, because all the others depend on it. You just can't do a good job of listening while you're talking!

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