There are several elements of a successful pack meeting. The most important thing to remember is that the pack meeting is for the BOYS. Cub Scouting is THEIR program... not the adults.
Elements of a good pack meeting include:
- Planning
- Timing
- Participation
- Fellowship
- Recognition
- Spirit
The meetings should be planned with goals in mind. Themes, current fads, or events that Cub Scouts are interested in can help keep things on track. Pack meetings should be kept under 90 minutes in length. The interest of the Cub is limited. So is that of an adult, especially if there is a good show or football game on TV at the same time as the meeting.
The Cubmaster should not be the only adult involved in the program. Parents, leaders, and the boys should be involved. Individual den participation is essential. If boys and their parents are involved, they are more likely to enjoy the program and keep coming in the future.
Fellowship is a must before any pack meeting. A gathering time activity such as a game before the meeting gets people together and acquainted. Fellowship after the meeting is just as important. Refreshments are a good way to get people to mix and visit. This is a great time to recruit adult volunteers.
Prepare a written agenda for the pack meeting and be sure to use it! See that all leaders have copies before the meeting starts. Stay with the written game plan unless something drastic makes you change. The use of the written game plan will make the meeting move smoothly, permit it to end on time and prevent leaving something important out.
FUN...the most important element, should not be overlooked. If people have fun, they will return and remain enthusiastic about the Cub Scout program. The spirit of Scouting should prevail throughout the pack meeting. Show enthusiasm for the program...enthusiasm is contagious. Pass it around!