The Charter Organization Representative, as a liaison between the pack and chartered organization, helps to bring the two groups together and establish and maintain a good relationship. Maintaining the relationship is the responsibility of members of the organization as well as all pack leaders.
The chartered organization helps the pack by :
- Providing the Scouting program as an integral part of its program for youth and families.
- Seeing that the Scouting program is conducted according to the policies and regulations of the organization and the Boy Scouts of America.
- Selecting a Scouting coordinator to serve as liaison.
- Providing adequate and safe facilities for the monthly pack meeting.
- Providing opportunities for boys to recognize the responsibility to God, to country, to fellowman, and to self.
- Cooperating with the council in fundraising through the United Way and Friends Of Scouting (FOS), so the Scouting program can operate.
The pack helps the chartered organization by :
- Being responsible to the chartered organization for the sound operation of the pack.
- Showing interest in the chartered organization and rendering service to it.
- Keeping the chartered organization informed of the accomplishments of the pack by an annual report from the pack committee and regular reports on pack activities by the Scouting coordinator.
- Inviting members of the chartered organization to participate in pack activities.
- Keeping the Scouting coordinator informed of the needs of the pack which should be brought to the attention of the district or council.
- Seeing that the chartered organization receives recognition for operating the pack.
- If these things are not happening between your chartered organization and pack, then a closer relationship needs to be developed. Ask for help from the Unit Commissioner and Scouting coordinator.