InsaneScouter - Training - Leaders Leader Tips


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One of the first questions that new leaders ask is: "What am I supposed to do?" But an equally important question in the mind of new leaders is "How do I do it?" This is where training comes in. Training shows new leaders how to do their jobs and allows for an interchange of ideas with more experienced leaders.

Every Cub Scout deserves qualified, trained leaders who will provide him with the best program possible, the way it is intended. Trained leaders ensure that the goals of Cub Scouting are met.

Each Cub Scout leader's job is different. This is the main reason why training leaders is so vital to the success of the program. Not only must they know how important their jobs are, but they must be acquainted with the methods used to attract and hold boys in Cub Scouting.

Chances are that your pack will have some new leaders each year. They should receive training immediately or as soon as possible. If they don't they may become submerged under a host of responsibilities and chores they really don't understand and their boys will be shortchanged in the process. Every boy needs leaders who know what they're doing.

Kinds of Training

Leadership training is conducted in these different ways:

  • Group training
  • One-pack training for all leaders
  • Personal coaching of individuals or small groups
  • At-home self-study

Every leader should try to attend the group training courses which are scheduled in the district. Group training demonstrates the fun and fellowship of Cub Scouting and provides opportunities to get to know leaders in other packs and share experiences and ideas. However, there will be times when new leaders are recruited and training courses aren't scheduled for several weeks. For this reason, other methods of training are available. the important thing to remember is that leaders should be trained as quickly as possible before they become too involved in carrying out their responsibilities. They need to know how to do the job before they begin.

Fast Start

As new people become Cub Scout leaders, it is vital that they receive immediate information and guidance in the objectives and resources to help them do a good job. That's the reason for a fast start.

Fast Start is a series of four outlines: (available at your Council Service Center)

  • So You're a New Cubmaster, No. 3864
  • So You're a New Den Leader, No. 3863
  • So You're a New Webelos Den Leader, No. 3866
  • So You're a New Pack Committee Member, No. 3865

You may wish to keep a supply of these outlines handy in your pack. Fast Start outlines are usually distributed to new leaders at School Night for Cub Scouting or pack rallies. They can be used as an incentive for a family member to become a new Cub Scout leader.

Check with your unit commissioner or district Scout executive for more information on Fast Start.

Basic Training

Basic training is a series of separate training sessions designed to give job-related information to all Cub Scout leaders, regardless of position. All Cub Scout leaders should take basic training. One of the aims of basic training is to encourage leaders to continue growing in leadership on their own, and by participation in supplemental training courses.

The basic training sessions which should be attended by Cubmasters, assistant Cubmasters, pack committee chairmen, pack committee members, Cub Scout den leaders and assistants, and the den leader coach are:

  • Session 1. What Is Cub Scouting:
  • Session 2. Program Planning.
  • Session 3. Den and Pack Management.
  • Session 4. The Pack Meeting.

The Webelos den leaders may receive training in two ways. They may attend Sessions 1 and 2, and in addition, attend the Webelos Den Leader Outdoor Day. Or, they may receive all training in one weekend: the Webelos Den Leader Outdoor Weekend.

Check with your unit commissioner or district training chairman to learn when these courses are scheduled in your district.

Supplemental Training

Supplemental training includes a variety of training courses given on a district, council, area, regional and national basis. They are designed to give Cub Scout leaders additional information on specific areas of Cub Scouting. some of the Cub Scout methods and skills touched upon briefly in basic training are covered in greater depth in supplemental training courses.

Some supplemental training courses (such as the monthly district roundtables and Cub Scout leader's pow wows) are held on a regular basis as a source of continuing information. Other courses include den leader workshops, specialized coursed such as training for leaders of handicapped Cub Scouts, Cub Scout leader conferences at Philmont Scout Ranch, and other family vacation training conferences held around the country.


The Cub Scout leaders' Roundtable is held monthly on a district basis. Den and pack leaders join for fun and fellowship while learning new tricks, stunts, games, crafts, ceremonies, songs, and skits. There are also opportunities for sharing ideas and activities with leaders from other packs.

Roundtable is under the guidance of a Cub Scout roundtable commissioner and staff who plan the program around next month's Cub Scout theme and activity badge area.

After attending the roundtable each month, your leaders will come to your monthly pack leaders' meeting well informed and ready to complete plans for your den and pack program for the next month.

Check with your unit commissioner to find out when and where your monthly roundtable is held.

Pow Wow

Pow wow is an annual get-together of Cub Scout leaders from around the nation. Pow wow is convention time for the pack - a time when a wise Cubmaster takes all leaders to a refresher course. There are sections on games, crafts, skits and puppets, ceremonies, administration, and the Webelos den. It's a time for all experienced, new, prospective leaders, and parents to share ideas and see what the other packs are doing.

All leaders are encouraged to attend this exciting, fun-filled, informative training


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders