InsaneScouter - Hey There, Cubmaster...Look At You - Leaders Leader Tips

Hey There, Cubmaster...Look At You

You want to be a good Cubmaster, right? If you didn't, you would not be reading this.

So as a good Cubmaster YOU WILL.......

Learn to lean - You won't try to run the whole show. You will consider all suggestions and offers to help.

Recruit Den Leader for a least one year - When you and the Den Leader Coach recruit a Den Leader, you will have him/her agree to serve at least a year. Dens need stable leadership. If assistants can be recruited from the parents, they can move naturally into the Den Leader office each year.

Plan well - Successful packs use this program planning procedure:

  • Annual program planning conference in the spring.
  • Monthly pack leaders' meetings.
  • Regular Den Chief's meetings. Recruit an assistant Cubmaster to train Den Chiefs or have them attend a Den Chief Conference.

Promote real-boy crafts - Don't scare off Den Leaders with complicated handicraft items. Keep projects simple, but avoid childish busywork and cut-and-paste projects.

Plan regular opportunities for recognition - Plan so each den is recognized at every pack meeting.

Emphasize family participation - Cub Scouting is a family program. Involved the parents. Ask them for specific help. Make sure parents know what is expected of them before they join.

Make yours a year-round pack - Don't let your pack fold up in the summer. Boys want Cub Scouting the year-round. With a slight change in you summer meeting pattern you can offer informal, outdoor activities for the dens and pack. Your pack can qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award by conducting three pack activities - one each during June, July, and August.

Develop strong Webelos dens - Recruit strong Webelos Den Leaders. Give them an opportunity to use their initiative to develop challenging Webelos activity badge projects and outdoor program for their boys.

Plan a fall parents' meeting - Set aside a part of your first open-house pack meeting in the fall to discuss the coming year's plans with them. Emphasize the part they play to help their boys advance; review their obligation as parents to participate in den and pack programs with their boys.

Insist on proper uniforming - Set the example for leaders and boys by being properly uniformed yourself.

Establish a sound budget - Follow the suggestions for the pack thrift plan in the Cub Scout Leaders' book

Stress physical fitness - Promote and encourage den leaders to teach simple skills, stunts, and contests that will help the boys achieve agility, strength, and coordination.

Take training - Take advantage of all training opportunities and encourage your pack's leaders to do so, too.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders