June 4th...19th Amendment Day!
"May 22, 2019”June 4th marks the 100th anniversary of Congress passing the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. This was a historic moment and an important step that empowered all citizens’ voices to be heard.Civic duty is core to Scouting and foundational to Scouts BSA, which in 2019, one hundred years later, celebrates its own milestone in welcoming all youth to this life-changing program. Some of our newest troops even saw... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-05-29Our Funny Animals
How many of us have an animal or two or maybe more at home? I have several cats at home. They are all ‘rescue’ kitties… kitties that we found (as kittens) outside somewhere. One was found down in the bottom of a water drainage ditch, another found on the handicapped walkway of the local mall, others found alongside the road crying pitifully. Others discarded them, or perhaps they got lost from their family,... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-05-26National Reset Day
Harvest Grove UMC image If Donald J. Trump desires to make a positive, an undeniable significant mark on his tour as the President of the United States of America, he should declare the 23rd day of May as "National Reset Day." He should convince and influence every single American citizen, business, organization and indeed his entire federal government to take part in this single day event. This should be a day of no work... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-05-19Summer Camps and Camp Raymond
Lord Baden-Powell said that a week of camp life is worth 6 months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room. With those words from the founder of Boy Scouting, we will learn about Camp Raymond which is part of the Grand Canyon Council of Northern Arizona.The camp's website is https://www.campraymond.org/. Camp Raymond is located on the edge of the Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area, near Williams, Arizona. The camps GPS coordinates are 35.138402 -111.972864. Nestled in... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-05-16Why Boy Scouting
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By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-05-06All I want to do is Scouts
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By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-04-29It's what you do with it...
Mike Walton Those of you in business have heard of the "virtues" of the Eagle Scout. It's legendary. People have told you -- if they have not already -- that Eagle Scouts can almost walk on water; can repair or "jerry rig" anything to make it work; knows how to find their way out of the woods, a paper bag, a balloon, and an alley. He knows how to use a hatchet, read a... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-04-22Recipe Flyer
Have you and your scouts enjoyed the games, songs, crafts, activity ideas, ceremonies and everything else InsaneScouter has provided since 1998? As an Eagle Scout I know that these types of activities bring scouts together and create opportunities for them to grow. As such, why not help us grow? All you have to do is print out our recipe flyer and give it to your Scouting friends. Maybe take it to Roundtable, a committee... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-04-17