Cooking fish over campfire
You don’t need a lot of tools to prepare your fish. A fillet knife can be used for scaling, skinning, slicing, and filleting. You’ll need a container to collect the parts of the fish you remove during preparation. When skinning non-scaly fish like catfish, remove the spiny fins first to make the fish easier to handle. Once you’ve cleaned, gutted, and filleted your catch, you have a few different options for cooking fresh fish over... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-12Learned Helplessness
(NBC News image used under Fair Usage guidelines)I was taught a new term for what I see around my community here in Dayton and back home in South Lake Minnetonka. Some of you see it in your own town or city. I bet you didn’t have a name for it. It is the actions – rather than inactions – that a lot of youth portray. Lifeless, not wanting to “do anything”. Not volunteering for... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2018-06-08Mount Magazine State Park
If we were to go to the highest point in Arkansas, we would find ourselves at Mount Magazine State Park. This State Park delivers great views of valleys, lakes, winding rivers, and distant hills. The rugged rock outcroppings protrude from the densely wooded forests. What makes this State Park even more spectacularly beautiful is that it is surrounded by National Forest lands encompassing acres of woods. The State Park covers about 2,200 acres on top... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-07Obedience
I had a chance to ride a horse on a narrow trail in the foothills of the Appalachians. When I started out on the horseback ride, the road was wide, but soon became a single track, just wide enough for the horse to follow our leader obediently down the path. I was instructed not to pull to tightly on the horse's reins, and that no kicking of the horse's ribs would be necessary. All... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-05Friends
Going to a summer camp is something that most of us remember all of our lives. The friends that you meet and make, the fun things that you got to do and the experiences that you have all make a lasting impression on our minds. I remember going to a Boy Scout camp and spending a fun week there. One of the strongest memories of that event is on the next-to-last night that we were... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-05-31Skateboard rodeo
There is a good chance that you will see somebody on a skateboard almost every day. Skateboarding started more than 50 years ago and has changed into a sport and a lifestyle that lets you exercise your body while expressing your personality. Skateboarding is a cheap way to get around, a great exercise and a sport with very few rules but has tons of tricks to master. Some tricks should be left to the pros,... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-05-29National Park free admitance days
It's been said that the National Park system is America's greatest idea. If you have spent any time wandering these great places, it's easy to see why they're so revered. Each of the 58 national parks is a beautiful, unique space in the country, from in the bison herds of Yellowstone to the rolling hills of Great Sand Dunes, the incredible trees in Sequoia to the eerie blue of Crater Lake.Many parks in the US... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-05-26Where can I find an Eagle Scouts?
That is what the guy behind me in the buffet line asked me. He had just asked me -- actually he was asking the air but my ears happen to catch his question -- after a local reporter's comment on the radio beamed into the general buffet area. The comment was made after the reporter told the story of yet another high-profile comedian being "busted" for some form of sexual harassment in the workplace. "It's... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2018-05-247 clever apps
Almost everyone has a Smartphone, so we thought we would share 7 cleaver apps (for Android or Apple) that will help Scouters and their parents find out all kinds of information about their favorite Scouting activity or be useful in the outdoors.The official companion app for TroopTrack, the BEST scouting software on the PLANET! Now you can take TroopTrack everywhere your adventures take you, even off the network. You can use TroopTrack Mobile together with... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-05-19Radical DIY award ideas
It is good to give volunteers small thank yous, and some encouragements. It almost always makes us happy to do these small things for others who deserve them. Each time you will do something like this for someone who is deserving of some kind of recognition, you will probably think to yourself, I ought to do this more often. You can get your kids involved with projects too. Look for a way to teach... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-05-17