Why Boy Scouting: Real Community Service
I originally posted this to the Scouts-L youth programs discussions group as well as a potential chapter to a Scouting book I am still writing called "Eagle Feathers." I dropped it from there so I may use it with a new project I'll start after the first of the year. General John Vessey died in Minnesota on 18 August 2016. He started his military career as I did, as an enlisted Soldier but unlike me... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-09-22Several extra uses for your walking stick
I remembered my walking stick that spends most of its time out in the garage waiting for me to take it out in the woods once again, where I found it. I picked it up a few years ago at a Christian camp in Northern Michigan. The walking stick is still much like I found it in the woods except for the fact that I coated it with some clear polyester lacquer to... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-09-16Rifle Shooting story
I had a chance to send my son to Boy Scout camp recently. We are in Seneca waterways council - Genesee Crossroads district - Troop 37. My son, Sammy, is turning 14 this month and is challenged by struggling with an autism spectrum disorder. The instructor with him at camp is called Trapper, and he works at Camp Babcock Hovey. It takes eleven merit badges to become an Eagle Scout. Many Scouters select one... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-09-095 funny Boy Scout's skits
Here are some funny Boy Scout skits from YouTube that I came across that made me laugh! This is a skit done by the Boy Scouts during the 2006 Laughs For Lunch Show done for the community. This skit is about a gentleman opening a new furniture store. Of course, people are chosen to be the furniture. The local district executive was picked on during this skit. Myself, Chris from chrisandcompanyfilms, and Danny, a... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-09-02Touch
Shutterstock image purchased by Mike WaltonDescription automatically generatedShutterstock image purchased by Mike Walton (from "Patches and Pins" by Mike Walton, (c) 1998)Of all of the senses we have, touch is perhaps the second most important to me. Sight beats it out slightly, only because there are so many things to see and have my brain process. But touch is second-most.I became aware of this sense as many of you probably have: from the touch of... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-08-26Coffee!!
(This was written and shared with the Scouts-L youth programs discussion list in March of 2001. In looking for content for a new book of short stories this evening, I found and thought I would share this with everyone. Diabetes has taken a massive hit on my caffeine consumption, and I currently drink an average of a pot of coffee (that’s 12 cups) a day now. Very seldom do I drink a sugar-flavored cup... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-08-19Daddy I didn't win
... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-08-12Enjoying the hike
Shutterstock image purchased by Mike Walton I love hiking. It is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, to travel with my friends and share experiences with them, and to sing silly songs. As a youth, I participated in some 15 or so hiking trails, mostly because there was an excellent looking medal to add to my faux "buckskin display" I made in Cub Scouts, or patch to go onto my jean jacket (couldn't afford... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-08-05An Arctic Tern Book review
Indoor Nature Activity For Cub Scouts… This book is a fun way to introduce young scouts to nature, whether it's on a stormy day or hot summer day. Your young children should read this delightful and beautiful book “Growing up in Alaska: A Baby Arctic Tern” by Constance Taylor. This book is a short, fun little story about an Arctic Tern from egg to first flight. I could see this book being read to... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-07-29