Last week, volunteers from across our nation and those representing our two overseas local Councils, met in Denver to help plot the azimuth, check the maps and lay a positive course for the continuation of the Boy Scouts of America. They were successful and have shared their plan – what they call a “Game Plan” – with their thousands of volunteers unable to attend and participate in the discussions.
This "Game Plan" -- a one page, openly sharable document which is available from your local Council or downloaded from the U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc.'s (USSSP) website -- describes where the BSA stands now, where they are heading, and strategies in getting there. A copy of the 2018-2019 BSA Game Plan appears below.
BSA Game Plan (2018-2019)
The issue central to many discussions last week center around a simple question I and many of you have been asked over and over again: “Is the BSA going to go bankrupt and therefore go away?”
The honest, straightforward answers are, “We hope not, we don’t know for sure, but the BSA WILL survive this challenge and is NOT going away.”
It has now come to the point that the BSA is facing the probability of having to seek relief under Chapter 11 (reorganization/restructuring relief) of the federal bankruptcy act. There is no timeline for the BSA’s filing, as the corporate national executive board and leadership are looking for ways to resolve this WITHOUT going to courts and without bankruptcy. We volunteers at all levels are being asked to refer any and all inquiries about the BSA’s legal issues to the BSA’s legal team and not to publically speculate about the issue. This is so that the BSA’s legal team won’t be hamstrung by ‘stray but good-meaning comments’ by Scouters. I’m asking each of you to please abide by the BSA’s recommendation in this case.
When asked “is the BSA going into bankruptcy?” question, here’s what I’ve been saying:
- I don’t really know. I’m not a part of the BSA’s national group making those decisions, and I am certainly not a national officer. So I don’t know, and I am not hedging or sideswiping the question. I am very sure that the BSA will do everything they can to preserve their programs, programs I dearly love and enjoy being an active part of. I will pray and ask for a solution which will please the majority and resolve this so that the BSA can move forward.
- Our 250 or so local Councils will NOT BE AFFECTED in a significant way whatever the BSA National Council does or does not do. While there may be some interruption in the carrying out of some national-level programming, "All Scouting is local" as a Scouter told me a while back and he's absolutely correct. The Scouting program is a national one being implemented and used locally, under local chartered Councils and likewise under chartered organizations using the BSA's programs. So I am very confident in saying that while things may or may not be happening on a national level, the (insert name of your local Council) will continue to exist, and they will continue to provide as good of a quality Scouting program for the (name of your chartered organization) employing and partnering the Scouting program.
Our intent as supporters of the programs of the Boy Scouts of America should be the following: There’s very little which can be done or we should be advocating for, which will help resolve this painful and tragic series of incidents. We need to continue to emphasize the BSA’s highly successful and publically available youth protection programs and the continued need for ALL volunteers – whether or not they are registered in a role directly facing youth members – to take the training and put it in practice; to report anything “hinky” involving youth and adults to both law enforcement AND your local Council Scout Executive; and to encourage healthy and safe Scouting practices.
What will the future BSA "look like" or "be like"? I'll post more on my take of that question very soon!! Our National Chair is also interested in reading what YOU feel the "future BSA" should consist of as well...'