Scouting Quotes I.
I’ve gathered these quotes from various sources all over the internet. Good quotations resonate in your soul. They make you think, I wish that someday I might say something as profound as that...Good quotes are words the people have spoken that hold true today, just as much as when the author spoke them into being. Good quotes are spoken words that create feelings and emotions within us that make you stop and think... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-07-05Bravery
From the Scout Handbook - "A Scout is brave. A Scout can face danger although he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him." I wonder, have I ever been brave during my lifetime? What things have I done so far that might be considered brave? I was a Cub Scout long ago and promised to be brave and... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-07-0310 PVC Pipe Projects
You might think PVC pipe can only be used as a sprinkler pipe buried in your yard, but there are so many more fun things that you can do with it! We can learn together about 10 easy, fun things to do with simple PVC pipe. Our 1st project will be about making Marshmallow Shooting toys. A quick trip to your local hardware store to get some ½” PVC pipes, connectors and a can... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-30Dawkins Rail Trail
In eastern Kentucky, 18 miles of the planned 36-mile Dawkins Line Rail Trail is open for use. Although only half-finished, the trail has already become the state's longest rail-trail. The trail's first phase from Hagerhill to Royalton in rural Johnson and Magoffin Counties opened in June 2013. The rail-trail will accommodate hikers, horseback riders and cyclists. This 18-mile-long trail is a great little gem in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. This trail is in a... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-28Leave no trace
Ever wonder how long it takes for our trash to decompose after we throw it away? What if we are careless when we are outdoors and do not practice leave no trace? According to the U.S National Park Service, it takes a plastic bottle 450 years to decompose in the environment. Yes, that’s 450 years. That means that, if Shakespeare had a bottle of soda pop, that soda bottle would still be around…and it would... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-26Exercises for the mind
Help get your kids curious about the world with our word search printable worksheet. Simply print it (or copy it), and then challenge your little explorers to see how many words they can find. Don’t worry if they get stumped, the answers are included! Descended from observational puzzles, the American word search was first published in 1968 in the Selenby Digest in Norman, Oklahoma. The original creator was Norman E. Gibat. The idea circulated slowly... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-23Living futures past
Have you ever thought about being able to travel through time? I know I have, and I’ll also have to admit to probably spending too much time thinking about what part of my life would I go back to...which day, what year? Is time travel even possible? I always liked the idea of a time machine. It's easier to get into the machine and punch up a date on a console (like Marty McFly did... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-21Things to do around Philmont
If you are going to Philmont Scout Ranch you might be wondering if there are other things to do in the area, besides all of the really special things that a person can experience at the Ranch. Philmont does not offer accommodations for individuals who may be travelling with your crew, but there are plenty of places to stay and things to do in the four nearest towns! Starting with the closest town of Cimarron,... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-1920 Uses for old sox
Have a drawer in your bedroom that is full of old socks, or does your washing machine eat socks? You’re sure you put two socks in, but you can only find one after the wash. Losing socks is par for the course when you do laundry, but don't feel bad for that lone, pair-less sock — there are still plenty of uses for the lonely sock in your daily life. You might even be... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-16Cub Scout Eric Interview
Please feel free to answer as many, or as few of these questions, they are meant as a starting point. Feel free to add or alter questions, as well. Also feel free to recommend any videos, or photos to go with some of the questions if any stand out as perfect, to you.Earlier this year, Cub Scout Eric reached out to me on Facebook and introduced me to his YouTube channel and videos. As a... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2018-06-13