THE CLOWN’S VISIT by Carol Shaw Lord 
Good morning, kiddies! I’m happy to see you this bright,
beautiful morning! (Doffs hat and bows with a flourish.)
Psst! It’s not morning!
(Puts hat back on.) Oh, pickle smoke! I must be mixed up again! Let me start
over. (Doffs hat and bows again.) Good evening, kidlets! I’m really sorry to
disturb you in the middle of the night. (Cubmaster: shakes his head, but doesn’t
say anything.) What a nice-looking group we have here. I love to see families
together – boys and gerbils, with their parrots.
That’s boys and GIRLS with their PARENTS.
Whatever! It’s the thought that counts. Your Cubmaster: here tells me that you’ve
been very malodorous lately.
No! Not malodorous! That means stinky. I didn’t say malodorous.
Oops! Sorry! I didn’t mean malodorous. Even if you ARE stinky it would be
really rude of me to say so, now wouldn’t it? He said that you’ve all been very
No, no! I didn’t say they were preposterous! That means silly. They haven’t been
VERY preposterous.
Oh, excuse me! I can never get things right. I didn’t mean you have been
preposterous. I’m the one who’s preposterous. I meant to say that he said you were
all very rambunctious.
Rambunctious? I didn’t say rambunctious. That would mean that they are wiggly
and noisy.
(Dolefully) Oh, I would never say that boys could be wiggly and noisy.
(Scratches head.) What DID you say?
I said the boys in our pack are very GENEROUS.
Germ-erous? Oh, no! I have been sick enough. (Pulls out a big hanky and covers
his mouth and nose.) I should have worn a surgical mask. I shouldn’t even have
come here. Germ-erous! I hate germs! I’m outta here! (Leaves, dropping his hat.)
(Shakes head and shrugs. Then picks up the hat.) What can I say? Anyway, all
Clowning aside, we do have some awards to give to some special boys this month.
(Pull awards out of the Clown’s hat.)
Great Salt Lake Council