Each of us is a branch on a family tree. The roots of this tree reach way back to ancient
times. What we look like, some of our talents, our traditions, and even the country in which we
live have been passed on to us by those in our family who lived before us.
It can be a great adventure to learn about our ancestors. Perhaps you have an ancestor
who was a pioneer, who came over on the Mayflower or fought in the Civil War. You may find
that one was a Roman Legionnaire, who helped build the Great Wall of China or the pyramids. You
may even be descended from the man who carried the cross for Jesus.
EQUIPMENT: Arrow of light ceremonial board, with one small candle (electric) for each
activity badge to be presented plus one large candle, and the activity badges.
As we research our forbearers this month let us remember their contributions to their generation
and their legacy to us. Having this knowledge will help give us direction and a sense of
belonging to a heritage that has given us roots. Being inspired by them will honor them and help
us achieve our goals.
Tonight we are recognizing members of our Webelos Den who have earned activity badges this
month. They are (name) who has earned the badge; (name) who has earned the
badge; etc... Will these Webelos Scouts please come forward with their parents?
Now I will ask the den chief (name) to light the small candles (electric) for each activity badge.
Webelos Scout (name), you have earned the Craftsman badge. To do that, you mastered many
tools and made several toys and useful items. I congratulate you on your new skills. (Hands
badge to parents as den chief lights the first candle).
Webelos Scout (name), you have earned the Geologist badge. You had to learn a great deal
about the earth and what it is composed of, and you learned how rocks and minerals are useful to
man. My congratulations to you. (Hands badge to parents as den chief lights second candle).
(Adjust names of activity badges and their brief description as needed.)
(Add other ranks and badges, arrow points, etc., as needed.)
Parting Thought:
In life, when you find yourself with the bat in your hands, you can either run for the dugout or
swing for the fence.
-President Ronald Reagan-
Great Salt Lake Council