B stands for BOYS - without them there would be no Scouting program.
L is for LEADERSHIP - both boy and adult.
U is for the many USEFUL things we are learning in Cub Scouting and for the
UNSELFISH time our Cub Scout leaders put into the program.
E reminds us that the Cub Scout program is for EVERY boy, regardless of race, creed or color.
A is for ALWAYS. We'll always remember our Cub Scouting days.
N is for NOW. It's all right to dream of the things we will do when we are older, but
Cub Scouting is something worthwhile we can do now.
D is for DO Your Best - the Cub Scout Motto.
G is for GAMES and Great fun.
O is for OPPORTUNITY to learn new skills.
L is for LOVE - for our parents, our leaders, and our country.
D is for DEVELOPMENT. Cub Scouting develops citizenship, sportsmanship, new skills, and brotherhood. We're proud of our Cub Scout program and hope you will always support us.