InsaneScouter - PACK ADVANCEMENT CEREMONIES/05-06 - Ceremonies


Ahh, summer, time to get the Cubs outside to visit the local parks and explore the trails
and by-ways. Every stage of Cub Scouting should be fun for the boys. It should also be
different, challenging, and rewarding; and for you, lots of work. However, your enthusiasm for
the program will radiate to the leaders, boys, and in turn, the parents. Developing a good
program will certainly take hard work, but the rewards are worth your efforts.
This ceremony emphasizes family participation in Cub Scouting. The exact wording is
unimportant; don’t worry about memorizing it. Present it in a conversational tone. If you have
more than one Cub Scout receiving the award, have all boys and parents come forward at the
same time. This ceremony is easily adapted to all ranks.

Make a big yellow sun out of cardboard. Put it on a felt board or a blackboard and make rays
with the awards attached for each boy who is to be advanced.

Cubmaster: Cub Scouts and parents, tonight we want to honor those Cub Scouting families who
are advancing in rank. Den chief [den chief’s name], one of the Cub Scouts in your den is ready
to receive his [name] badge this evening. Will you please escort Cub Scout [name] forward?
(The den chief does so.)
[Cub Scout’s name], we’re glad that you’ve reached the [name] rank in Cub Scouting. It’s one
more step up the ladder.
Den chief [name], will you please escort the parents forward so they can take part in our
ceremony? (The den chief does so.) We are glad to have you here tonight. (The Cubmaster
shakes hands with the parents.) We want to tell you how much we appreciate the cooperation
you have given. Without it, your son might not have reached his [name] rank. Cub Scouting is a
family program, and that means not only that your son is advancing to the [name] rank, but that
the whole family has taken another step forward, also.

Cubmaster: [Cub Scout’s name] retrieve your award and bring it to the presentation table. (The
Cub Scout does so.) As the Cubmaster, I haven’t earned the privilege of presenting the badge to
your son, so I am going to give it to you, [parent’s name], and ask you to present it to your son.
(Parent does so and congratulates son.)
Cubmaster: Have the boy pin his mother (or father) and remind him to kiss his mother if he
forgets. Now, will the audience stand and give [boys name] a hand for the fine job of
advancement he is doing. (All applaud.)

Parting Thought:
1. Cubmasters, you are the pack’s engine, not its caboose.
2. Advancement is a big deal to the boys, and therefore, it should be to you also.

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders