1. (Unfold one fold) You can see 13 stars, representing the original
THIRTEEN COLONIES, who stood together to overcome tyranny
and oppression from their mother country.
2. (Unfold another) This fold represents the SOLDIERS, and POLICE-
MEN in all wars and conflicts--PATRIOTS who are willing to give
their lives that we might have freedom and safety.
3. On the next fold, you can see the 3 colors of the flag. This stands for PEOPLE OF ALL
COLORS who come to live in this nation and stand shoulder to shoulder to defend its
4. This fold stands for FAMILIES, where the values taught and the lessons learned are the
basis of our country' s strength.
5. The next fold represents EDUCATION FOR ALL, guaranteed so all may
have unlimited opportunities.
6. The next fold represents FREEDOM TO THINK. Imagining and learning has
brought us comforts and wonders beyond belief.
7. This represents FREEDOM OF THE PRESS—It is hard to keep secrets that could make
us lose our freedoms when there is a vigilant press looking into everything.
8. This fold is for the WORKERS, those that work and strive for a more prosperous life.
They take care of us all.
9. Next, for the UNSELFISH SACRIFICE that the citizens of this country display at every
disaster or catastrophe throughout the world.
10. You will notice that the last fold is a SQUARE. Sometimes being a square is not the
thing to be, but a square is one who obeys the law, does his duty, and is the foundation
of this our country. Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance
#1 We cannot spell C BSCO TS without U
#2 We cannot spell YO TH without U
#3 We cannot spell AD LT without U
#4 We cannot spell S CCESS without U
#5 We cannot spell F N without U
#6 We cannot spell O TDOORS without U
All: Clearly, Scouting needs U!
Great Salt Lake Council