George C. Page is the father of dehydrated vegetables. One day he was left with thousands of
five-gallon cans of dehydrated carrots. Page tried everything he could in order to sell these
carrots; he tried baked carrots, stewed carrots, and even fried carrots. But nothing was a success.
Then one day he dumped a few cups of shredded carrots into a cake batter. It was an instant hit,
soon many restaurants and bakeries added this new delight to their menus. Within a few months
carrot cake was being served all over America. Was it luck? No, it was just a person that
refused to give up. -Uncle Johns-

Make six large cutouts of Christmas ornaments using cereal boxes, then cover them with
Christmas wrap. On each of them glue a keyword on the front and the following ceremony on
the back. Also, make small cardboard Christmas ornaments and staple the
awards for each boy onto these ornaments. Hang them on the Christmas

Tonight we are recognizing some members of the pack for their
achievements this month. Their hard work has netted them these awards
and recognition. Keep up the good work!
Have six cubs come to the front and stand in a semicircle behind the Christmas tree. As each boy
reads his part, have him place his ornament on the tree.
Boy 1: A Cub Scout gives goodwill. Giving goodwill means being GENEROUS. I can give
goodwill when I give a part of what I have to someone who is not so fortunate.
Boy 2: A Cub Scout gives goodwill. Giving goodwill means being CHEERFUL. I can give
goodwill when I pitch in and help with our family’s household chores with a smile.
Boy 3: A Cub Scout gives goodwill. Giving goodwill means being KIND. I can give goodwill
when I stick up for someone the other boys are making fun of.
Boy 4: A Cub Scout gives goodwill. Giving goodwill means MAKING OTHERS HAPPY. I
can give goodwill by visiting an older neighbor who is not able to get out of his house very often.
Boy 5: A Cub Scout gives goodwill. Giving goodwill means being UNSELFISH. I can give
goodwill when I read to a younger child.
Boy 6: I will do my best to live the LAW OF THE PACK by giving goodwill.
Cubmaster: Thank you, boys, for giving us some good examples of how we can do our best to
live up to that part of the Law of the Pack that says, “A Cub Scout gives goodwill.” Many of the
boys in our pack have done their best this month and earned some awards. Have the boys come
forward with their parents and receive their awards. Pick the small ornaments with each boy’s
award on them off the tree as you award them to the boys.

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders