(Idea: have boys or leaders dress up as the following circus performers;
or, have pictures of each)
It is so fun to go to the circus when it comes to town. The people
that perform have jobs and specialties that we find extraordinary. These
people are all citizens of the United States, just as we are:
The CLOWNS make sure that they vote at every election. A lot
of times it is by absentee ballot because they are on the road. But they
know a good citizen of the US studies the issues and votes.
The AERIALISTS are strong, agile, and brave-- but they obey the
traffic laws in each city because a good citizen of the US doesn’t break
the laws.
The LION TAMER was called up to go to fight in Iraq. The circus misses him, but he
left because a good citizen of the US defends his country when needed.
The RINGMASTER always recycles his garbage and never just throws away papers,
cans, or plastic bags, because the US doesn’t need a citizen that destroys or trashes the land.
The DOG TRAINER makes sure his dogs don’t run loose through the neighborhood,
because a good citizen of the US takes care of his property and respects the rights of others.
All the performers are good parents, educate their children, and prepare them to work and
be good citizens because a good citizen of the US is also a good parent.
To be a circus performer takes unusual talents.
To be a good citizen takes love for the country. Let us pledge allegiance to the flag of our country.
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring, and He sends you a sunrise every morning,
He gives you forests to walk through and mountains to look at and seashores to marvel at.
Whenever you want to talk, he listens.
Sometimes you do things that He shakes His head over,
But He puts His arms around you anyway.
Face it friend, he is crazy about you!
God didn't promise days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain,
But he did promise
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
And light for the way.
Great Salt Lake Council