Advancement Ceremony/Fiesta

Image by Ernesto Eslava from Pixabay


Before the meeting make enough triquitraques (pronounced tree-key-

tra'-kays) in assorted colors for

each of your boys, following the

directions below. Put a World Brotherhood patch inside each

triquitraque. Display them at the

pack meeting in a brightly colored

basket, pottery bowl, or sombrero. Play a CD or tape of some Latin

American music in the background as you speak. Music is available

at the library.

This month we have been learning a little about the culture of some

Spanish speaking countries

(name the country or countries that have

been featured).

It is good to learn thi

ngs about other places and

peoples. It helps us to understand

and appreciate them. It enriches

our lives to have lots of different kinds of experiences. And, it is

also a lot of fun!

Who can tell me some of the things that you have

learned about another country this month?

(Allow the children to tell some of the things

they have learned. You may have to ask some

leading questions to get them started. After they have had sufficient time to answer, continue. )

I have a surprise for each of you. The Den Chiefs will pass out some Latin American

triquitraques to you. Don’t do anything with them until I tell you to. Just hold them.

(Have Den

Chiefs pass out the triquitraques while you talk.)

In Mexico triquitraques are often used


holidays or other special days, such as birthdays, to

add to the fun of the occasion. Inside of the

triquitraque is a little gift.

Does everyone have his triquitraque? Okay, wh

en I count to three in Spanish, everyone pull on

the little strings that are hanging out of your triqu

itraque. Can everyone find the strings? Bueno.

Oh! How do I count to three in Spanish? Oka

y, on “tres” pull your strings. Everyone help me

count. Altogether now, uno, dos, tres! Pull your strings!

(After they pop their triquitraques

make sure everyone finds their patch.)

We have given you the World Brotherhood patch to show

that you understand that all of us are God’s child

ren and we need to love and appreciate each



Needed: empty toilet paper rolls, assorted co

lors of tissue paper, bright, narrow ribbon and

“Pulling Fireworks” (little cylinders with stri

ngs coming out of each end). You can buy the

pulling fireworks or poppers at a craft or novelty st

ore. Cut a toilet paper

roll in half to make

two cylinders. Put a small gift or patch inside.

Put the popper in the cylinder, leaving the strings

dangling out of each end. Lay the cylinder on colo

red tissue paper leaving about two inches of

extra tissue on each end. Put a tiny piece of clear ta

pe over the strings on each end to attach it to

the tissue. Wrap the tissue around the cylinder.

Tie a narrow ribbon at both ends of the tissue

close to the cylinder and flare out the loose ends, making sure the strings are still dangling out.



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