Ceremony 1--Neal Armstrong:
Neal Armstrong was the first man on the moon. When Neal Armstrong
stepped on the moon he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant step
for mankind." Each Cub Scout in our pack also makes small steps through
the Scouting program and through life. The ‘small steps’ are earning
awards. (Possibly hand out awards here.) These ‘small
steps’ add up to a ‘giant step’ as a Cub Scout earns his
rank advancement. Tonight we would like to honor
(name) as he earns his _______ rank.
Ceremony 2 -- Rocket Across the Solar System
Across one wall, have cutouts of all the planets in the Solar System. Each boy gets a rocket
cutout. As they receive their awards, they get to try to reach the sun. For eg., Tigers could start
at Pluto, and move to Neptune or Uranus. Wolf scouts could move to Neptune, and with Arrow
Points move to Saturn or Jupiter. Bears could move to Mars, and Earth or Venus for Gold and
Silver Arrow Points. Webelos would move to Mercury. Arrow of Light recipients would move
to the Sun.
Great Salt Lake Council