(A Scout's) Toolbox
Image provided by Settummanque (Mike Walton) Our pioneers had one (well, kinda...didn't really fit into a pocket, but the concept was the same). Rambo had one, and so did similar characters portrayed by Steven Segall, Arnold (do I have to type his last name *smiling*?), and several others. Harrison Ford had a version of one in a couple of his movies. My personal hero, Angus MacGyver, not only had one but during the first four... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-10-29
Clorox 2 ®
(From "Patches and Pins" (or "The Quest for the Silver Beaver...."), by Mike Walton (c) 1988) You want to get my mother going?? Bring up George Wallace, the symbol for most Black Americans of the *worst* parts of being an American living in the South!"Do you think he's changed? God musta' really touched that man", my mother asked me. We were sitting at the dining room table, the air conditioner making a loud starting... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-10-26Dreamcatchers Native American Art Project
Dreamcatchers are an iconic Native American symbol. It is unknown exactly when and where they originated. They were first documented in 1929 with the Ojbwie tribe and spread to other tribes during the pan-Indian movement of the 1960s and 1970s. They are traditionally made of all-natural pieces, such as willow bark for the ring and sinew for the webbing. They are said to protect the user from bad dreams. According to Native American legend, all... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-10-22
Gates Foundation. Please Help Us
Shutterstock Image used under Fair Usage Guidelines See those smiling faces? I wish I had an image of smile Scouting youth and adult faces, but this will have to do for now.On 12 August 2020, the BSA's National teams working under the "Churchill Project" made some recommendations to the National Executive Board, the guiding group within the BSA responsible for all decisions on behalf of the national organization. While these recommendations are not binding, the... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-10-19Scoutness
Original home of Earl Hamner, creator of "The Waltons." photo from WaltonsMountain.com I cannot remember if I saw this on as part of a television show or if this was one of my silly "television show dreams." All I know is that the show or dream is based upon Scouting heritage and lore and that I remember it being "true" in the application.So the backstory is that a guy gets hired to work for a... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-10-12Scouting Circus Skit ideas
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay I remember when I was a young boy, and the circus would come to town. Posters would start appearing all over town, and they would tell us about the circus that had come to town that was going to appear in the arena downtown. The circus would usually be there for three days…Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I would take a city bus on a Saturday afternoon and spend a few... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-10-05Some Dinosaur Skits & Songs & Story ideas
When I was a younger boy, one of the things I used to enjoy doing was going down into the #8 Woods and going rock hunting with my dad. He got me interested in looking for Indian arrowheads and also looking for fossils among the stones as we looked around the woods. There was a place at the edge of the woods that had been excavated a little bit, and the turned over soil was... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-10-01Hey You! What's Next?
"So," the questioner asked me while I was sitting at the Starbucks. I had stopped by after attending a Troop's Court of Honor -- a quarterly awards ceremony and celebration event -- and I was "Jonesing" for a cup of coffee. At this Court of Honor, beverages were not served afterward, so after I spent some time talking with some Scouts, their families, and some Scouters who wondered why was I there (because, I said,... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-09-28A new, old coffee table
My name is Amber, and I have always been creative and enjoyed little projects around the house. One day my husband found a coffee table on Facebook for $10! It was a little scuffed and used, but he didn’t care. He saw potential! Besides, we have had our coffee table for almost 15 years, it’s old, torn up, and looks like something out of a college dorm, but hey, it’s a good table! Anyway, he... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-09-24
For my Parents...or for Me?
Boy Scouts of America media photo used with permission (From "Patches and Pins..." (c) 1987 Settummanque)In the quietness of my classroom, I am asking myself why 12 years ago, I entered into a conference room at the University of Kentucky's Elizabethtown Community College and for 45 minutes subjected myself to one hell of a thesis defense.I had dreams after that event for a solid two weeks afterward, the three men asking me questions which I... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-09-21