Leading the BSA: Camper or Administrator
BSA image of former CSE Wayne Brock used under Fair Usage guidelinesBruce from Blacksburg wrote in part over on Scouts-L:"I found a position description for a district executive from the Northern Illinois Council (http://clulc.org/docs/events/BSA_Dist_Exec_JobSummary.pdf) that said:"Duties include marketing, management, development, and program administration." Nothing in there about camping, hiking, cooking, or anything else in the Scouting program. It's a sales job. In fact, the qualifications don't even require any type of Scouting or outdoor background."Absolutely,... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-11-28BSA camp Lewis & Clark
Lewis & Clark Scout Camp in Yankton County, South Dakota Address: 31069 430th Ave, Tabor, SD 57063 Phone(605) 665-7970Open 24 hours/ Year-Round / All-Seasonhttps://www.siouxcouncil.org/lc-scoutsbsa-camp https://www.facebook.com/LCSRBSA/ Announcements: Updated March 23, 2023: According to the camp's Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LCSRBSA/ updates: We are still looking for a few individuals to join our AMAZING camp staff for the summer! Check out the flyer and website below if you are interested! https://www.siouxcouncil.org/campstaff https://www.siouxcouncil.org/files/36190/scouts-bsa-camp-leader-guide Lewis and Clark Scout Reservation. The C.O.P.E.... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2019-11-25Growing up green
Shutterstock image purchased by Mike WaltonEvery child in America should spend their first eleven years growing up green. That was the consensus of my high school peers and some of my personal friends, as well.One of our high school peers is a history buff. He hosts a Facebook page for those of us who lived in the community and encourages us -- former students, teachers, administrators -- to comment and interact with each other (not... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-11-18An increase is an increase
Money (copied from Bing under fair usage guidelines) The Boy Scouts of America (BSA)'s National Executive Board announced on Wednesday (23 October 2019) the following:"Starting next year (2020), the Boy Scouts of America membership fee will be $60 a year for all registered youth in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. The annual fee for adult members and youth in the Exploring program will be $36."(My math isn't all that grand, but the... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-11-10Bird in the wilderness
Bird in the Wilderness stock photo As many of you are aware, I volunteer as a part of the Boy Scouts of America. I have been doing so as an adult -- with some breaks for various reasons -- since I was 18 years old. I have served as a volunteer at the local level, the District and local Council level (which oversees and coaches local units), within two Regions and their Regional Areas (which... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-11-03More than Teaching Manners
It is great to know that the Boy Scouts of America -- an organization which I do NOT work for but have a strong affinity toward -- is upping their game. Our volunteers -- ALL of them, not just the ones interacting with youth on a regular basis -- are being asked to authorize the BSA to... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-10-27The Greatest Challenges
Shutterstock image purchased by Mike WaltonThis was originally written and posted to the Scouts-L youth programs discussion list in the fall of 2004. Many of these challenges still exist to this day.There are five challenges to which the Boy Scouts of America must respond to in order to maintain its hold as the predominate youth organization in the United States. These challenges, like addressing, working through a strategy and overcoming an obstacle as part of... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-10-21Who is going to help me now?
Today is the last day that I answer the phone here in the Arnold Public Affairs office with "Arnold Public Affairs, this is Mike." I have been promoted and will be working alongside other public affairs professionals at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio in two weeks.(Don't worry...I'll STILL be here on LinkedIn(TM) and elsewhere as much as my new job and personal time will allow me to do so!)We ask (okay, I ask) Eagle... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-10-13Program, Program,Program
Troop 102 Photo by Mike Walton(From "Settumwhat?" by Mike Walton (c) 1998)I quit my job two days ago (in 1996). Technically, I requested a leave of absence in order to go with other members of my Army Reserve organization back to Germany. Most of us would not be going to Germany, but rather to Bosnia to assist with the peacekeeping mission being staged in that country. Either way -- Germany or Bosnia -- I was... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-10-07In the midst of irksome tasks
This image is from the Tonkawa Lodge 99 website, photographed by Codie SmithA great personal friend of mine, Gayle, wrote to me yesterday afternoon and perked me up just fine. In addition to addressing me as "Bullethead" (a nickname I acquired decades ago when we were both kids, living in Petersburg, Virginia), she asked me "four questions you probably NEVER have been asked."I thought I would share them with you because chances are, you have... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2019-09-30