Service Project?
Joe Csatari (BSA Image used under Fair Usage Policy) A Frequently Asked Question of Scouters like myself is one which Mike Clark wrote and asked recently:"Has anyone defined "a service project"?"Service project: an individual or group event designed to demonstrate elements of community pride, volunteerism, and/or dedication to principles of the individual or group involved. Activities that "give back" or "pay forward" similar type activities performed for the individual or group. (my personal definition of... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-05-04Leave No Trace Campfire
Image by fancycrave1 from PixabayLeave No Trace Campfire?The Boy Scouts of America set a goal to instill the right values in the boys who belong to the organization. While the "Leave No Trace" principle sounds like it doesn't matter, you have to look at the combined effects of millions of people and the negative effects it can have on the environment. When even one person litters, they contribute to a dirty and more polluted environment.... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2020-04-30Truman Volunteer
(Taken from "Eagle Feathers" by Mike Walton (c)1997 ) He made me proud to be Black, a Scout, and a veteran all at the same time. I observed him as he carefully held the arms of the wheelchair, assisting the fragile old woman from her seat and into a waiting automobile. She must have offered him a tip for his kindness as he closed the door of the car."I'm sorry. They won't let us... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-04-27Camp Laramie Peak
This BSA camp was one that was recommended to us by our readers. Some of the pictures shown on this web page were also sent in from one of our viewers. Camp Laramie Peak is the 7th oldest Boy Scout Camp in America. Camp Laramie Peak is located on a working ranch. The scenery is amazing and you might get to drive through a herd of buffalo. In 2020, CLP is 100 years old.... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-04-20Marked Men
Walton family archiveDo you want to be "known"? Do you want a lover? You want people to see you on the street and know who you are??You don't need to shoot, maim, nor kill anyone. You don't need to go onto Facebook or Snapchat, Twitter, or any other social medium and belittle someone or call someone out. You don't need to wreck your or your parent's vehicle, van, or truck. You don't need to steal... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-04-16What Do Scouts Do?
(This was originally written as part of my unpublished book "Eagle Feathers" in 2004.) A question posed to me -- surprising because of who asked the question -- made me think a lot about what the public thinks that Scouting is about and what little we've told them recently about what we do.I was standing on a platform at the Crystal City, Virginia stop along the METRO, Washington D.C.'s series of underground trains which... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-04-13Clean Inside Out
(From "Patches and Pins..." by Mike Walton (c) 1994. )When I was growing up in Rose Terrace, just about everyone did car washes to raise money for some organization or another. A car wash was cheap to run....get some detergent, some sponges and old shirts, towels and some dishwashing liquid. And lots of water. Go out someplace hopefully on a sunny, clear day, set up the signage, and you're in business!Not a lot of... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-04-06Did I Tell You About My Glass Eye?
(From the chapter "A Scout is Courteous" within "Patches and Pins..." by Mike Walton (c) 1989. All 13 Scout Law points are posted as part of the U.S. Scouting Service Project's MacScouter web I chose this particular Scout Law point because, well, my eyesight in my left eye is challenging me. Eventually, over time, I was told I would lose much if not all, of the sight from that eye. In the meantime, they are... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-03-30Camp Onteora BSA
This BSA camp was one that was recommended to us by our readers. Some of the pictures shown on this web page were also sent in from one of our viewers. This camp is a part of the Theodore Roosevelt council...Located in the heart of the Catskill Mountains, Onteora Scout Reservation is affectionately referred to by those who have experienced the camp as "Land in the Sky." When you arrive at OSR, your... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-03-23Who you gonna call? Not THEM but...
Screenshot from my copy of Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" video A lot of what's posted on Facebook(TM) comes and goes several times a year. Those who use and follow others over there know that for the last, um, several weeks or more, various "friends of yours" have asked aloud:"You're kidnapped, and before they hide you somewhere, you have the opportunity to call ONE (television show, action-adventure actor or team, or other celebrity) to rescue you.... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-03-16