Lego ®
Lego Scouter and Sweetie by Mike Walton (Throughout this entry, I refer to the small plastic building pieces trademarked and called "Lego®." I don't place the registered trademark symbol anytime except now, but the word and the pieces themselves are registered to the Lego Corporation, with no attempt to infringe on their trademark.) I love Lego. If you ever want to give me a present for any occasion (my birthday is next week, for instance),... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-08-03Reuse old printer paper
Image by 41330 from Pixabay During the pandemic lockdown, I had a lot of time sitting around my home office thinking. It occurred to me how much paper we waste by only using one side of it. With some more thought, I came up with a number of ways you could use the backside of that piece of paper and not just for notes or to color on. First, it's worth noting that some printers,... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-07-27Virtual Trips
Image by FunkyFocus from PixabayWe thought that since many people still had to stay inside, or at least not be able to go on that summer vacation that the family would typically take…that we would investigate some virtual tours and places to see and visit from inside your home. Many museums and other vacation spots all over the world are enabling folks to try to find new things to see and do by offering free... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-07-23What Can Scouts Learn From Their Favorite Superhero?
It has been hard to ignore the soaring popularity of superhero movies in recent times as there have been many incredible films released over the last 10 years. Many of these are from familiar universes featuring iconic superheroes which have resulted in some of the highest-grossing movies of all time. But there have also been a few lesser known — but equally brilliant — additions.While scouts may not be able to fly or have any... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2020-07-22Fire & Scouts
Stock photo from Photobucket I have an officemate, several years older than me. Jere Matty is a retired Air Force pilot, engineer, and currently, the "one who teaches" our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (or STEM) lab and center at Arnold Air Force Base. Since both are interested in the same things -- getting young people to explore opportunities here at Arnold -- we frequently exchange notes, resources and information.After all, that's what officemates do.... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-07-20Wide Game
Spark image provided by Arrowman and Scouter William Pettigrew (a "wide game" is one in which participants are randomly given some item, a card, puzzle piece, or placard for instance, and are directed to go around and collect all of the other parts or pieces (or collect the entire set of cards). Once all pieces or cards are collected, the participants return together to a central point to receive a prize. The real prize, however,... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-07-16Quincy and Getting them All
Merit badges are earned by Scouts working with a registered merit badge counselor, someone who works or has experience in the topic area and desires to share his or her experiences, knowledge and training with a Scout (and a buddy). There are specific requirements for each badge, which are not just "write this down" or "tell me what the book or I've said to you," but rather "do," "show," "demonstrate," "find," "prepare," "play," or... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-07-13Gyms of Scouting
Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay I remember when I was in Cub Scouts and Webelos, and we always had our Pack meetings in the gym of my elementary school. That usually worked out well, especially when there would be some physical activity that was a part of the Pack meeting, like Dodgeball (yup, that’s how old I am). According to Wikipedia, a gymnasium, also known as a gym, is a covered location for athletics.... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-07-09National Parks and Isle Royale
I had a chance to go to Isle Royal National Park during the summer of 2008. My youngest son and I had a few days off and decided we would spend a day touring the island. We boarded the Isle Royale Queen IV, which was a 100-foot long ship that would take us 56 miles across Lake Superior. The trip was supposed to take three and ½ hours, but a storm had blown across the... [More]
By: InsaneScouter On: 2020-07-06The Value of "All that Scout crap"
Facebook image by Nick Owen My mother and several of my friends (mostly males) all asked me the same question as I was growing up. As a young Scoutmaster, I was asked that same question by parents who were interested in Boy Scouting but wondered out loud, "what will he get out of this?" Black and Latino families ask that same question when I go to communities of color and introduce and explain Scouting to... [More]
By: Mike Walton (blackeagle) On: 2020-06-29