SM Tip - A Scout Is ... Tech-Savvy
A Scout Is ... Tech-SavvyEarlier this month, Deputy Chief Scout Executive Gary Butler wrote a guest blog at Scouting magazine in which he compared cellphones to utility knives. His bottom line: “I guess if we can control the proper use of a pocketknife, it should be possible to do the same with a smartphone.” (I reblogged Butler’s comments here.)About 14 months ago, the leaders of Troop 96 in Grayslake, Ill., hit upon that same comparison,... [More]
By: aaron patton On: 2015-06-11SM Tip - Don't Forget to Play the Game
Don't Forget to Play the GameScouters often complain about youth sports. They say that sports are all consuming, that coaches only care about building character when they’re winning, and that sports just teach kids to win at games while Scouting teaches kids to win at life.Be that as it may, there’s one thing coaches do better than Scouting. They remember to play the game.What do I mean by that? After months of conditioning and drills... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-06-04SM Tip - Conquering Context Collapse
Conquering Context CollapseOn my blog recently, I wrote about It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, Danah Boyd’s landmark study on kids’ use of social media. The upshot of Boyd’s work is that the kids are (generally) alright, although they need caring adults to keep an eye on them in the online world.Of course, most adults spend a lot of time online as well, and many Scout leaders are connected to their Scouts and... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-05-28SM Tip - Secrets to Successful Scout Fundraising
Secrets to Successful Scout FundraisingNow that most of the country is on daylight savings time and daffodils are starting to sprout in my yard, it's getting easier to believe that spring will really arrive this year. (I had my doubts during this long, cold winter.)One sure sign of spring is that my troop has started selling mulch and bedding plants. In fact, I found an order form in my newspaper box just the other day.I... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-05-21SM Tip - Twelve Questions for Patrol Leaders
Twelve Questions for Patrol LeadersHere's an interesting self-test to give to the patrol leaders at your next patrol leaders' council meeting. It comes straight out of the 1939 edition of the Handbook for Patrol Leaders but is as relevant today as it was then.1. Do I know about every Scout in my patrol—each fellow’s strong and weak points; ambitions; home life; special needs? 2. Can I plan and conduct patrol meetings worthwhile enough to insure the bunch... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-05-14SM Tip - Another Storm, Another Snow Day
Another Storm, Another Snow DaySchool is out again here in Louisville due to the weather. It’s our eighth or ninth snow day of the year (I’ve lost count), and I’ve been thinking about how Scout troops decide to cancel meetings and how they announce their decisions.The worst way to decide, I think, is to just follow what the schools have done that day—unless you meet at a school and have no choice. After all, weather... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-05-07Eagle Tip - If You Build It, Will They Come?
If You Build It, Will They Come?Think about the last major purchase you made. How many times through how many media did you hear about that product before handing over your credit card or signing on the dotted line? My guess is it took way more than one fleeting advertisement to move you to action.Now think about your Scout troop. How many times and in how many ways do you invite boys to join? Is... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2015-04-30Eagle Tip - Boosting Troop Attendance at Eagle Courts of Honor
Boosting Troop Attendance at Eagle Courts of HonorWhat if you threw a court of honor and nobody came? While that's not likely to happen, the reality is that getting people to Eagle courts of honor can be challenging. People today lead incredibly busy lives, these one-off events are typically held at times and/or locations that troop families aren't accustomed to, and troop families may have little incentive to attend, especially if they don't know the... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2015-04-23Eagle Tip - Color-coordinated Candy
Color-coordinated CandyStylish Scouters and parents—I don’t count myself among their number—find all sort of neat ways to enhance Eagle courts of honor. One fun idea is to serve patriotically colored red, white, and blue M&Ms at a court of honor reception. The problem is that these colors are typically only available around the Fourth of July. You could buy them ahead, of course, but who knows how long they’ll sit in your freezer until your... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-04-16Eagle Tip - The Scout Law in Scripture
The Scout Law in ScriptureAn important part of every Eagle court of honor is what I call the Scouting segment (having failed to come up with a catchier name). This is a ceremony, reading, or presentation that comes soon after the opening and that addresses the ideals and meaning of Scouting.Perhaps the most popular Scouting segment is the Scout Law candle ceremony, where Scouts light candles representing the 12 points of the Scout Law as... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2015-04-09