Top Scout Campfire skits

Top Scout Campfire skits

By: Posted On: 2018-08-06

We thought we would share some great skits that we found on YouTube. One of the great things about Scouts going to camp outdoors is the campfire in the early evening, at the end of an eventful day. Baden Powell said it well when he said Singing and acting are excellent for training in self-expression. Also, they make for good team-work, everybody learning his part and doing it well, not for applause for himself but for the success of the whole show. These were some of our favorites, do you have some favorites of your own? Please comment below!

The very 1st skit we have is called "Falling Rocks." (Here’s a  tip if you are watching this to get ideas for your own campfire: mix up the characters names and scenarios). This skit is from an ancient Indian legend. It was originally done with only signs. The signs have been translated into English. As one Scout reads the translation, another will act out the story as it might have once been seen.. 

Robin Hood? 

This 2nd skit is about a less than willing volunteer and a would-be Robin Hood going to do some target practice with an apple on someone’s head…very funny. 

If I were not a Boy Scout 

The 3rd skit is called “If I were not a Boy Scout”. This skit was performed with great enthusiasm by this Boy Scout Troop. The first few words of their lyrics go:

If I were not a Boy Scout, I wonder what I'd be 
If I were not a Boy Scout, a ......
A bird watcher I'd be
Hark a lark, flying through the park, SPLAT!
A plumber I would be
Plunge it, flush it, look out below!  


In this 4th skit, the Boy Scouts decide to re-enact a scene from the movie “Titanic”. Oh, did I mention that their budget was …somewhat limited?


The world's ugliest man? 

The 5th campfire skit is called “The World's ugliest man”. The first few words of the skit start out… A scout gets up and says, "Tonight, These Cub Scouts are going to present to you a rare public showing of The World's Ugliest Man." "This man is so ugly, that no one can bear to look upon his face without shrieking and fainting dead away. So, in the interests of safety, we've covered him up with a sheet so all of you in the audience won't need to go to the emergency room."…. 


There are a great many skits on Insanescouter, come to see, check them out for yourself, here is a link…




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