Whenever Im sitting in one place, or have a portable music player that I can take with me while I’m working, I like to listen to movie soundtracks. And when I’m listening to movie soundtracks I like to listen to those movies that are full of adventurous, brave, bold sounding music. You know the type of music I mean! Think of your favorite movie that had a good soundtrack with it, pick the scenes where the hero or heroine are marching to the spot where they must be at their bravest, strongest best in order to win the battle or triumph over the situation at hand… You’ll find that, even without seeing the movie (or TV show) you can picture the event, or pictures in your head by hearing again the music that was playing in the background of the show at that time.
Listen while your studying too!
You can use movie soundtracks to drown out distractions, so you can better concentrate on your work or studying for that big test that is coming up. There are lots of movie soundtracks to listen to, depending on whether you’re looking to focus, feel energized, or simply tap your foot along while you sit at your desk. The next time you want to get inspired, put on some movie soundtrack music and watch the productivity flow. I have listened to upbeat music as well as movie soundtracks to work out also. Nothing like imagining yourself running alongside your favorite movie character as they get ready to go into the Gladiator ring or fight the battle to end all battles!
Music can cause memories and feelings
Ever found yourself falling through your memories backwards in time after hearing a song from your high school days. A single song made me feel like I was 18 again while reminding me that I'm substantially older. For me, music can cause good feelings and memories to happen quickly and easily. Tastes and smells can do the same thing for some people, but music does it best for me. Music can even cause goosebumps to appear on your skin. I thought about suggesting some of my own favorite soundtracks for this article, but… I’ve decided to let each of you remember and pick your own favorite movie soundtracks to listen to. Share with us your suggestions for your own all-time favorite movie soundtracks that motivate you to do your best at whatever you’re doing.
Special Worksheets each month
Each month we create special worksheets for the Scouts to use and learn from. They are usually related to the Boy/Cub Scouts themes for each month of the year. This month the 2 topics were... Brave & Music. Remember brave and music as listen to your own most favorite soundtracks.