By and large, most of the authorities that we are supposed to trust say that you should not re-use your plastic water bottle and refill it with more water. According to revelations about some of the toxic chemicals found in Lexan (plastic #7) bottles are enough to prevent even the most committed environmentalists from reusing them—or buying them in the first place. Studies suggest that food and drinks stored in such containers—including those ubiquitous clear water bottles hanging from just about every hiker’s backpack—can contain trace amounts of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that may interfere with the body’s natural hormone messaging system.
Also, plastic pollution is a problem that has been getting worse for a long time. Now it has gotten so bad that we are killing many animals in our oceans. A website that has a lot of good information on it about plastic pollution is... This website noted that by 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight. There are several good reasons to think about stopping the use of disposable plastic containers. Watch this video from the Plastic Pollution Coalition to see the problem with your own eyes…
After seeing the video, perhaps you have decided to stop using one-time-use plastics, but still, have a few plastic bottles around the house. Here are a few ideas on ways that you could reuse those plastic bottles in useful ways that do not add to plastic pollution.
You can make a bird feeder out of it, like this.
Or, you could do what I have seen several people around my neighborhood do… and that is to make a hanging garden out of your old plastic bottle… like this
The old bottles can be supported against a wall, or on a fence… I’ve even seen them fastened on tree trunks.
You can also make a shoe organizer out of old bottles… like this
How about a plastic bottle flower vase? All you need are your old plastic bottles, a little bit of hot glue, and how about one of those old CDs (you still have some of those, right?) Put it all together and it might look something like this
You can even use the old plastic bottle as a Christmas decoration… this works better with a ‘cloudy’ bottle instead of a clear one. It looks like this
What do you think? Has this article given you some new thoughts about using plastic bottles, or perhaps not using them at all? Plastic, unlike metal, paper or glass, does not really recycle. You can break it down into smaller pieces, but it is still plastic. Let us know in the comment section below if you have some of your ideas about the reuse of old plastic bottles.