Children can be taught first aid skills and in this article, we will talk about 7 cool ways to teach first aid to kids. There are more than just 7 ways, but for today, we will only include 7 of the ways. Remember always have a first-aid kit handy. If possible, have an adult trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attend any pack functions.
1)Here is a good website to help get us started on our First Aid Tips...
2)Here is another good site that talks about teaching first aid to kids...
3)Watch this video to learn some basic techniques of practicing first aid as children, this video is for younger children………...
4)Encourage the Scouts to use the buddy system and pair up so that they are aware of each other's whereabouts at all times. Check out any location in advance for hazards. Here is a website that shows how to mimic a broken bone, so that your kids can learn how to properly bandage the wound after it happens….
5)Have a plan for personal or natural emergencies (such as lightning storms, high winds, or flash floods) that could occur during an outdoor activity. Know where emergency care can be obtained quickly. The Red Cross has an excellent site for talking to your kids beforehand about natural disasters and preparing for them….
6)Here is a website that introduces some first aid games that you can use to educate your children….
7)An adult should always supervise when Cub Scouts are building fires and cooking. If the den is using a ground fire, clear a space ten feet in diameter of all burnable materials. Stay away from trees with low-hanging branches. The use of chemical or liquid fuel stoves must be limited to adults. Watch this last video to learn more about first aid and how to prevent accidents for kids...
Let us know if you have any more first aid tips for kids by adding your comment in the space below.