When I grow up

When I grow up

By: Posted On: 2020-05-11

When we were children, we all wondered and thought about what we might be when we grew up. Sometimes, young children might say that they want to be singers or actors, models, or pop-stars. Some will say that they want to become firefighters, electricians, or police officers. Others want to be engineers or archeologists or doctors. When I was in elementary school, I had pretty much decided that I wanted to be a teacher. By the time of my sophomore year in high school, I had refined my growing up idea to say that I wanted to be a history teacher. This turned out not to be, as I started out in a factory right after high school and then worked in factories as an electrician and later an electronics mechanic. It is fun and exciting to think and dream and wonder about what we should try to be all the time that we're growing up. I’ve decided to share nine different activities and articles that are shared to help children learn more about what they might like to be.

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The first thing I should mention is that it's important not to wish away your youth, and this article tells a story about a boy who wished himself to be grownup and found that his wish was granted when he woke up in the morning.



An activity that Scouts can do at one of their meetings might look something like this

https://insanescouter.org/p/5019/142/One_Step_at_A_Time.html?r=hp_new_p#.XnqE-ogzZhE, where they are encouraged to take one step at a time.

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What about things that girls can be when they grow up? Here’s a list of things that girls might want to be thinking about as they grow up (boys too!) https://insanescouter.org/p/4516/141/Can_A_Woman.html#.XnqSTogzZhE


Here is a link to a story about what one young boy has decided to do as he grows up.



Sometimes, as our children and we are growing up, a good thing to learn and practice is obedience. Here is an article about obedience. https://insanescouter.org/blog/800/Obedience.html#.XnqWHYgzZhE


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Here are a whole bunch of games that your children can play as they grow up. Playing games is an essential part of the growing up process. These are all animal-themed games. https://insanescouter.org/p/5591/43/Animal_Themed_Games.html#.XnqeeogzZhE



A story about “Growing up green” was contributed by Mike Walton, one of the regular contributors to the website.



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There are some magic words that most of us want our kids to grow up using. Here’s a link to an article about those magic words.



Last but not least, I came across an article about using Play-doh as an activity while growing up and how many potential uses there are for this product. https://insanescouter.org/blog/777/If_Only_We_Could_Cure_All_Cares_with_PlayDoh.html#.Xnqi6ogzZhE

Let us know if you have any more good games, activities or wisdom that you have taught your kids as they were growing up in the comment section below.

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