The Right "Man" for the Job!
Use a word from this list to fill in the correct answer.
Aeronautics | Chemical | Computer | City | Agricultural |
Electrical | Physical | Industrial | Mechanical | Civil |
- An engineer who designs plants to make water safe to drink - __________.
- An engineer who designs machines in a factory - _________________.
- An engineer who tests new processes and checks old ones in a chemical plant - ________________.
- An engineer who plans new circuits and directs workers in an electrical plant - ________________.
- An engineer who designs and tests new space techniques - ________________.
- An engineer who designs and tests new techniques for new equipment for industry - ___________________.
- An engineer who designs and tests equipment for farmers and ranchers - __________________.

Bridges & Machines
Use a word from this list to fill in the correct answer.
Catapult | Pulleys | Beam Bridge | Plank Bridge | Truss Bridge |
Arch Bridge | Suspension Bridge | Levers | Block & Tackle | Pier Bridge |
- A flat surface over two supports - ____________.
- A flat surface over three or more supports - ____________.
- A flat surface over an arched support - _______________.
- A flat surface with turned up edges - ______________.
- A bridge with sides made up of a series of triangles - ____________.
- A bridge that appears to hang from strong strung cables - ___________________.
- A pulley(s) and a rope or cable - _________________________.
- A slingshot or other device used to project something - ________________.
Data supplied by Pack 114