Outdoorsman - Campsites & Firewood

Wood for Campfires
There are three types of wood used to build a fire. Use the following key to decode them.

$ @ % ? * | + & = - #
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Ask your leader to show various types of wood needed for fires and explain the purpose of each.


Types of Wood
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate answer from the above puzzle.

____________ can be anything that is light and dry and not thicker than a match. Make little bundles of tiny twigs.

____________ should snap when broken. In general, dead branches from lower limbs of trees are best to use. Sticks lying on the ground could be damp.

____________ includes sticks that are not green. Use these only after a hot fire is started.

Just For Your Information:
* Wood that crumbles is rotten. It will smolder and smoke without giving off heat.
* Split wood burns well. The inside of a log is drier than the outside.
* Soft wood (produced by trees that grow quickly such as pines, spruces, cedars, gray birch, aspen) burns quickly. It is good for starting fires or for quick, hot fires. It does not leave good coals.
* Hard wood (produced by trees that grow slowly such as oaks, hickories, yellow birch, maples, and ash) burns slowly. It leaves good coals that will last.


Checklist for a Perfect Campsite
Place a checkmark in front of every item that is needed for the perfect campsite:
____ Sheltered by trees to the west and north
____ Open to avoid danger of falling branches
____ Sheltered from prevailing winds
____ Open to expose tents to early morning sun
____ Sheltered from prying eyes of nosy neighbors
____ Open to afford a pleasant view
____ Elevated to avoid morning fog
____ Low to avoid harassment of mountain lions
____ Sloped for drainage of water
____ Level for a comfortable night's sleep
____ Abundant in wildlife and nature
____ Devoid of insects, snakes, skunks, p-ivy
____ Grass covered to absorb rain
____ Sparsely vegetated to avoid grass fires
____ Stocked with wood for fuel and projects
____ Cleared of all stumps, sticks, logs, brush
____ Private (forget highway median strips)
____ Close to home
____ Legal (no "No Trespassing" signs)
____ Safe from flash floods (buffalo stampedes)
____ Well supplied with water for drinking, swimming, fishing, boating and even washing.



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